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Partial Amendment No. 5492, May. 16, 2013 Partial Amendment No. 6448, Mar. 23, 2017

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance is to contribute to the enhancement of democratic spirit of citizens of the Seoul Metropolitan Government and the development of democracy by commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements. <Amended by Ordinance No. 5492, May 16, 2013>

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Article 2 (Definitions) "Democratic movements" in this Ordinance means activities that took place in Seoul Metropolitan City to recover and enhance people's freedoms and rights against authoritarian regimes that had violated people's fundamental rights guaranteed by the Constitution since the establishment of the government of the Republic of Korea on August 15, 1948, including the April 19 Revolution, the May 18 Democratization Movement, and the June 10 Resistance, from among activities specified in Article 2 of the Korea Democracy Foundation Act and Article 2 of the Enforcement Decree of the aforesaid Act. <Amended by Ordinance No. 5492, May 16, 2013>

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Article 2-2 (Responsibilities) The Mayor of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor") shall proactively discover and promote policies necessary for commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements.
[This Article Newly Inserted by Ordinance No. 6615, Sep. 21, 2017]

Article 2-3 (Formulation of Plans) (1) The Mayor shall formulate and implement a plan for promoting commemorative programs of democratic movements and inheritance of the spirit of democratic movements (hereinafter referred to as "master plan").
(2) The master plan under paragraph (1) shall include each of the following:
1. Basic direction-setting for polices related to commemorating the democratic movements;
2. Matters regarding discovering, preserving, and utilizing the relics of democratic movements;
3. Matters regarding promoting commemorative programs such as commemoration, etc;
4. Matters regarding education and publicity for inheriting the spirit of democratic movements;
5. Other matters deemed necessary for commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements.
(3) When the Mayor formulates the master plan, he/she shall undergo deliberation by the committee for commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements under Article 5; and where necessary, he/she may seek opinion from relevant experts or citizens.
[This Article Newly Inserted by Ordinance No. 6615, Sep. 21, 2017]

Article 3 (Commemorative Programs) If the Mayor of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor") deems it necessary for commemorating democratic movements, he/she may implement the following programs:
1. Programs for commemorating victims of democratic movements in the Seoul Metropolitan Government;
2. Programs for arranging and inheriting the heritage of democratic movements the Seoul Metropolitan Government;
3. Educational programs for enhancing citizens' awareness of democracy;
4. Programs for exhibiting and publishing materials related to democratic movements and hosting academic and cultural events by collecting and rearranging such materials.

Article 3 (Commemorative Programs) If the Mayor deems it necessary for commemorating democratic movements, he/she may implement the following: <Amended by Ordinance No. 6448, Mar. 23, 2017>
1. Programs for commemorating victims of democratic movements in the Seoul Metropolitan Government;
2. Programs for arranging and inheriting the heritage of democratic movements in the Seoul Metropolitan Government;
3. Educational programs for enhancing citizens' awareness of democracy;
4. Programs for exhibiting and publishing materials related to democratic movements and hosting academic and cultural events by collecting, preserving, computerizing, and managing such materials;
5. Programs for preserving, managing, investigating, publicizing, and researching relics of democratic movements in the Seoul Metropolitan Government;
6. Programs for establishing and operating a memorial center for democratic movements.
7. International exchange and cooperation programs for advancement of democracy.

Article 4 (Entrustment) If the Mayor deems it necessary for efficient implementation of commemorative programs under Article 3, he/she may entrust nonprofit non-governmental organizations with relevant affairs, as prescribed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on the Entrustment of Administrative Affairs to Private Sector.

Article 4 (Entrustment) If the Mayor deems it necessary for efficient implementation of commemorative programs under Article 3, he/she may entrust nonprofit non-governmental organizations with relevant affairs, as prescribed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Entrustment of the Administrative Work to the Private Sector.

Article 5 (Enforcement Rules) Except as otherwise provided by this Ordinance, necessary matters shall be prescribed by rule.

Article 5 (Establishment of Committee, etc.) (1) The Mayor shall have the Seoul Metropolitan Government Committee for Commemorating and Inheriting the Spirit of Democratic Movements (hereinafter referred to as the "committee") to deliberate and render advice on matters related to commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements.
(2) The committee shall be composed of not more than fifteen members including one chairperson.
(3) The chairperson of the committee shall be elected by and from among members.
(4) The Chief Officer of the Office and the Director-General of the Bureau in charge of affairs of commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements shall be ex officio members of the Committee, and other members shall be commissioned by the President from among the following persons:

1. A person recommended by the Seoul Metropolitan Council;
2. A person recommended by an organization for commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements;
3. A person with abundant knowledge and experience in commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements.
(5) In order to efficiently manage and support affairs of the Committee, the Committee shall have one executive secretary, and the Director of the Division responsible for commemorating and inheriting the spirit of democratic movements shall be the executive secretary.
(6) The term of office of committee members shall be two years and may be renewed once, and the term of office of a committee member who is a public official shall correspond to the period during which he/she holds the relevant position.
(7) A majority of the members of the committee shall constitute a quorum and any decision thereof shall require the concurring vote of a majority of those present.
[This Article Newly Inserted by Ordinance No. 6615, Sep. 21, 2017]

Article 6 (Functions of Committee) The Committee shall deliberate and render advice on the following matters:
1. Formulating the master plan under Article 2-3;
2. Matters related to implementing commemorative programs under Article 3;
3. Other matters subject to deliberation deemed necessary by the Mayor.
[This Article Newly Inserted by Ordinance No. 6615, Sep. 21, 2017]

Article 7 (Enforcement Rules) Except as otherwise provided for in this Ordinance, necessary matters shall be prescribed by rule.

This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 5492, May 16, 2013>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 5492, May 16, 2013>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6448, Mar. 23, 2017>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.