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Partial Amendment No. 6475, May. 18, 2017 Amendment of Other Laws No. 7046, Mar. 28, 2019

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance is to contribute to the promotion of human rights and welfare of citizens by prescribing the Mayor's responsibility, etc. pursuant to the Crime Victim Protection Act and by protecting and assisting crime victims.

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Article 2 (Definitions) (1) The terms used in this Ordinance shall be defined as follows:
1. The term "crime victim" means a person who has sustained an injury or loss caused by another person's criminal conduct and the victim's spouse (including the person in a de facto marital relationship), lineal ascendants and descendants, and siblings, who reside in the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Seoul Government") as registered residents;
2. The term "protection of and assistance to crime victims" means activities conducted to recover crime victims' damage and promote the legitimate exercise of their rights and the improvement of their welfare;
3. The term "injuries caused by a crime subject to rescue operations" means the death, impairments, severe injuries caused by a crime harmful to human life or body and committed within the territory of the Republic of Korea or a ship or aircraft of the Republic of Korea outside of the territory of the Republic of Korea;
4. The term "crime victim support corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Corporation")" means a corporation established mainly for the purpose of protecting and assisting crime victims, registered under Article 33 of the Crime Victim Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") and located in the Seoul Metropolitan Government.
(2) The persons who sustain an injury or loss caused by an activity conducted to prevent damage from a crime or to rescue a crime victim shall be also deemed crime victims, in addition to the persons specified in paragraph (1) 1.

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Article 3 (Mayor's Responsibility) The Mayor of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor") shall endeavor to protect and assist crime victims.

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Article 4 (Citizens' Responsibility) Citizens of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as "citizens") shall be aware that assistance to crime victims is an issue related to human rights, be careful to protect honor and privacy of crime victims, and cooperate with the Seoul Government in taking measures for protecting and assisting crime victims as much as possible.

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Article 5 (Formulation of Implementation Plans) (1) The Mayor shall formulate and execute an annual implementation plan (hereinafter referred to as "implementation plans") in accordance with the master plan for protecting and assisting crime victims under Article 12 of the Act. <Amended by Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>
(2) The matters that shall be included in the implementation plan under paragraph (1) are as follows:
1. The annual implementation plan for the programs for protecting and assisting crime victims in accordance with the master plan under Article 12 of the Act and the methods for executing the plan;
2. Matters concerning the survey of actual conditions of damage from crimes and the development of policies for assistance;
3. Matters concerning educational and training programs and public relations activities for programs for protecting and assisting crime victims;
4. Matters concerning cooperation with, and assistance to, public agencies, including the Prosecutors' Offices, and organizations for protection of victims, including the crime victim support corporation;
5. Other matters that the Mayor deems necessary for protecting and assisting crime victims.

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Article 6 (Cooperation with Related Authorities) (1) If the Mayor deems it necessary for formulating and executing an implementation plan, he/she may request cooperation from the head of a relevant central administrative agency, the head of a local government, or the head of a public agency.
(2) Upon receipt of a request for cooperation under paragraph (1), the head of an agency or the head of a local government shall cooperate with the Mayor, in the absence of good cause to the contrary.

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Article 7 (Publicity and Education) The Mayor shall endeavor to produce and distribute relevant materials for the formation of social consensus and the enhancement of citizens' understanding and to promote educational and public relations activities for persons who are involved in activities for protecting and assisting crime victims.

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Article 8 (Financial Assistance, etc.) (1) The Mayor may subsidize the corporation that carries out affairs related to the protection of, and assistance to, crime victims for part of expenses for operation or business thereof, within the budgetary. <Amended by Ordinance No. 6475, May 18, 2017>
(2) The Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Management of Subsidies shall apply to matters concerning the grant of subsidies under paragraph (1).

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Article 9 (Enforcement Rule) Matters necessary for the enforcement of this Ordinance shall be prescribed by rule.

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This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6475, May 18, 2017>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

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