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Amendment of Other Laws No. 6386, Jan. 05, 2017 Amendment of Other Laws No. 6700, Jan. 04, 2018

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance is to prescribe matter necessary for supporting citizens of Seoul in receiving prompt and proper emergency medical services in emergencies.

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Article 2 (Definitions) The definitions of the terms used in this Ordinance are as follows:
1. The term "emergency patient" means a patient or equivalent at risk of dying or who has a serious risk to his or her mental or physical health unless he or she receives urgently required first aid due to an illness, childbirth, an injury caused by any accident or disaster, or other critical conditions, prescribed by the Enforcement Rule of the Emergency Medical Service Act;
2. The term "emergency medical services" means a series of measures including, but not limited to, consultation, rescue, transport, first aid, and medical treatment provided for an emergency patient from the time the patient is found to require urgent medical care until the patient is recovered from a life-threatening condition; or a serious risk to his or her mental or physical health is removed;
3. The term "first aid" means a kind of emergency medical care or treatment, urgently conducted for an emergency patient to secure his or her airway, to restore his or her normal heart rhythm, or to prevent other life-threatening risks or significant worsening of other symptoms;
4. The term "emergency medical personnel" means medical personnel and emergency medical technicians who provide emergency medical services for emergency patients to the extent permitted by licenses or qualifications they have obtained under related statutes;
5. The term "emergency medical institution" means the National Emergency Medical Center, regional emergency medical centers, specialized emergency medical centers, local emergency medical centers, and local emergency medical institutions designated pursuant to the Emergency Medical Service Act, among the medical institutions, as referred to in Article 3 of the Medical Service Act;
6. The term "ambulance" means a motor vehicle used for emergency medical services, including for transporting emergency patients;
7. The term "emergency medical institutions and related entities" emergency medical institutions, ambulance and related service providers, and emergency medical support centers;
8. The term "emergency patient transportation business" means the business of transporting emergency patients using ambulances;
9. The term "automated external defibrillator" means a medical device that sends an electric shock to the heart of a patient in sudden cardiac arrest, to attempt to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Article 2 (Definitions) The definitions of the terms used in this Ordinance are as follows:
1. The term "emergency patient" means a patient or equivalent at risk of dying or who has a serious risk to his or her mental or physical health unless he or she receives urgently required first aid due to an illness, childbirth, an injury caused by any accident or disaster, or other critical conditions, prescribed by the Enforcement Rule of the Emergency Medical Service Act;
2. The term "emergency medical services" means a series of measures including, but not limited to, consultation, rescue, transport, first aid, and medical treatment provided for an emergency patient from the time the patient is found to require urgent medical care until the patient is recovered from a life-threatening condition; or a serious risk to his or her mental or physical health is removed;
3. The term "first aid" means a kind of emergency medical care or treatment, urgently conducted for an emergency patient to secure his or her airway, to restore his or her normal heart rhythm, or to prevent other life-threatening risks or significant worsening of other symptoms;
4. The term "emergency medical personnel" means medical personnel and emergency medical technicians who provide emergency medical services for emergency patients to the extent permitted by licenses or qualifications they have obtained under related statutes;
5. The term "emergency medical institution" means the National Emergency Medical Center, regional emergency medical centers, specialized emergency medical centers, local emergency medical centers, and local emergency medical institutions designated pursuant to the Emergency Medical Service Act, among the medical institutions, as referred to in Article 3 of the Medical Service Act;
6. The term "ambulance" means a motor vehicle used for emergency medical services, including for transporting emergency patients;
7. The term "emergency medical institutions and related entities" emergency medical institutions, ambulance and related service providers, and emergency medical support centers;
8. The term "emergency patient transportation business" means the business of transporting emergency patients using ambulances;
9. The term "automated external defibrillator" means a medical device that sends an electric shock to the heart of a patient in sudden cardiac arrest, to attempt to restore a normal heart rhythm. <Amended by Ordinance No. 6700, Jan. 4, 2018>

Article 3 (Mayor's Responsibilities) The Mayor of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor") shall formulate and implement polices to provide emergency medical services, which include, but are not limited to, protecting emergency patients; supporting, establishing and operating the emergency medical institutions and related entities; training emergency medical personnel; and securing emergency medical transport vehicles.

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Article 4 (Formulation and Implementation of the Seoul Government's Action Plan for Emergency Medical Services) (1) The Mayor shall formulate and implement the Seoul Government's action plan for emergency medical services in accordance with the Master Plan for Emergency Medical Services formulated under Article 13-2 (1) of the Emergency Medical Service Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act"). <Amended by Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>
(2) The Mayor may request materials or other cooperation from institutions, organizations, etc. involved in emergency medical services if necessary to formulate and implement the Seoul Government's action plan for emergency medical services, referred to in paragraph (1). <Amended by Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>

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Article 5 (Forming, Operating, etc. Task Force for Emergency Medical Services) (1) The Mayor shall form and operate a task force for emergency medical services to formulate polices for emergency medical service programs and to provide working-level assistance.
(2) The task force for emergency medical services shall perform the following functions:
1. Developing policies;
2. Compiling statistics;
3. Controlling the quality of emergency medical services;
4. Educating and training in emergency medical services;
5. Publicizing emergency medical services;
6. Researching emergency medical services;
7. Developing and assessing the performance indices of emergency medical services;
8. Supporting the Seoul Government in performing other functions in relation to emergency medical services.
(3) The task force for emergency medical services shall be co-chaired by the Director-General of the Citizens' Health Bureau and one external expert.
(4) To perform the functions referred to in paragraph (2), the Mayor may request information from emergency medical support centers, emergency medical institutions, ambulance and related service providers, public health clinics, and institutions, organizations, and entities involved in emergency medical services.
(5) The Mayor may provide administrative and financial assistance necessary to perform the functions referred to in the subparagraphs of paragraph (2).

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Article 6 (Training, Dissemination, etc. of Rescue and First Aid) (1) The Mayor shall formulate and implement a plan to train and publicize a first aid manual, etc. each year in accordance with Article 14 (2) of the Act.
(2) The Mayor may designate specialized institutions to train volunteer first aid instructors and to implement the training and publicity program about rescue and first aid; and may provide the specialized institutions with administrative and financial assistance necessary for the aforesaid tasks.
(3) The Mayor may register and manage the contact information of persons who have completed first aid training with the consent of such persons; and may establish and administer the registration system at the Seoul Metropolitan Fire & Disaster Headquarters and the Seoul Emergency Operations Center to efficiently utilize such contact information when an emergency patient is reported.

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Article 7 (Assistance in, Management of, etc. of Emergency Medical Equipment, such as Automated External Defibrillators) (1) The Mayor may fund the installation of emergency medical equipment, such as automated external defibrillators, at public-use facilities used by many citizens.
(2) The Mayor shall compile and manage such information as locations, managers, dates of installation, and use of, automated external defibrillators installed in Seoul Metropolitan City; and may furnish the Seoul Metropolitan Fire & Disaster Headquarters and the Seoul Emergency Operations Center with the information to efficiently use the automated external defibrillators.
(3) The Mayor may request information from a related institution to manage records on the use of automated external defibrillators installed in Seoul Metropolitan City.
(4) Details about assisting in and managing emergency medical equipment, such as automated external defibrillators, shall be prescribed by Rule of the Seoul Government.

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Article 8 (Emergency Medical Support during Disaster, Training, etc.) (1) The Mayor may designate a base hospital capable of accommodating disaster victims during a disaster, at each district; and may provide the base hospital with administrative and financial assistance necessary for the aforesaid task.
(2) The Mayor shall secure spare beds and medical personnel to properly treat trauma patients and disaster victims when a disaster occurs.
(3) The Mayor may request public health clinics, emergency medical institutions, medical institution, etc. to form a disaster medical support team capable of providing emergency medical services attending the scene of a disaster if a large number of casualties are identified.
(4) The Mayor may collect and analyze information about cases, treatment, and prognoses of trauma patients, including disaster victims, for properly preventing and treating such patients.
(5) The Mayor shall formulate and implement a training plan for the disaster medical support team to provide medical support when a disaster occurs.
(6) The training for the disaster medical support team shall contain basic training about the emergency medical services that must be provided at the scene of disasters, virtual reality training and simulations in an artificially created scene of disasters, and be for at least 12 hours annually.
(7) The Mayor may designate an institution to train the disaster medical support team and may provide the institution with administrative and financial assistance necessary for training.

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Article 9 (Support, etc. for Pre-Hospital Emergency Medical Services) (1) The Mayor may implement the following programs in relation to pre-hospital emergency medical services:
1. Education and training;
2. Medical guidance and assessment;
3. Specialized pre-hospital emergency medical service program;
4. Emergency and health counseling program;
5. Pre-hospital and inter-hospital information sharing program;
6. Other transportation services for emergency patients with serious conditions.
(2) The Mayor may designate institutions to implement the programs referred to in the subparagraphs of paragraph (1) and may provide the institutions with administrative and financial assistance.

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Article 10 (Building the Seoul Government's Emergency Medical Service Information System) (1) The Mayor may build and operate an Emergency Medical Service Information System that collects, compiles, and manages various data entered by emergency medical institutions for providing effective emergency medical services, which includes, but are not limited to, formulating plans for emergency medical services; evaluating the performance of emergency medical services; preparing for disasters; and controlling infectious diseases in the emergency department.
(2) The Mayor may designate an institution to perform the tasks prescribed in paragraph (1) and may provide the institution with administrative and financial assistance.
(3) Content of data to be collected under paragraph (1) and other details shall be separately prescribed by rule of the Seoul Government.

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Article 11 (Transportation of Emergency Patients) (1) The Mayor shall formulate and implement a plan to transport emergency patients in a safe and well-coordinated manner.
(2) For properly transporting emergency patients, the Mayor may provide institutions transporting emergency patients with administrative and financial assistance necessary for the aforesaid task.
(3) The Mayor shall endeavor to secure sufficient ambulances, etc. to meet the demand of emergency patients.
(4) The Mayor shall ascertain the status of emergency patients transported by ambulances, etc. and incorporate it in the Seoul Government's action plan for emergency medical services.
(5) The Mayor may request related institutions and organizations to take necessary measures or to provide information to ascertain the status pursuant to paragraph (4).
(6) A person (referring to the driver of an ambulance, etc. and an emergency medical technician, physician, or nurse accompanying the ambulance driver pursuant to Article 48 of the Act) who transports an emergency patient, etc. pursuant to Article 48-2 of the Act shall ascertain the emergency bed capacity in an emergency medical institution to which the person intends to transport the emergency patient, etc., and pre-notify the emergency medical institution of the patient's condition and details of first aid administered during transportation, in the manner prescribed by Ordinance of the Ministry of Health and Welfare, except in special circumstances. <Amended by Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>
(7) An emergency medical institution shall neither refuse to provide nor evade providing emergency medical services for an emergency patient transported by the ambulance, etc. without just cause, and, if an emergency medical institution is found to have violated the aforesaid provision, the Mayor may request the Minister of Health and Welfare to take administrative action against the emergency medical institution in accordance with Article 55 (1) 1 of the Act. <Amended by Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>

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Article 12 (Emergency Medical Services, etc. for Emergency Patients with Serious Conditions) (1) The Mayor may formulate and implement a plan to properly treat emergency patients with serious conditions.
(2) The Mayor may designate medical facilities to treat emergency patients with serious conditions properly and provide the medical facilities with administrative and financial assistance necessary for treating emergency patients with serious conditions.
(3) For efficiently treating emergency patients with serious conditions, the Mayor may designate medical facilities serving patients with minor illnesses at night and on holidays and provide the medical facilities with administrative and financial assistance necessary for treating patients at night time and on holidays.
(4) The Mayor may collect and analyze information about the cases, treatment, and prognoses of emergency patients with serious conditions for properly preventing and treating such patients.
(5) The Mayor may designate specialized institutions to give medical guidance for the proper transportation of emergency patients with serious conditions and provide the specialized institution with administrative and financial assistance necessary for the aforesaid task.

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Article 13 (Emergency Medical Services, etc. for Underserved Individuals) (1) The Mayor shall formulate and implement a plan to provide proper emergency medical services for underserved individuals, such as children, women, older persons, persons with disabilities, and foreigners.
(2) The Mayor may designate support agencies, such as support and rehabilitation facilities, to provide underserved individuals with medical assistance and nursing care services; and shall provide the support agencies with administrative and financial assistance necessary for the aforesaid task.
(3) The Mayor may build an information sharing and cooperative system among related organizations so that the related organizations, such as autonomous Gus, the Seoul Metropolitan Fire & Disaster Headquarters, and the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, can cooperate in providing emergency medical services for the underserved individuals and provide administrative and financial assistance necessary for cooperation among them.

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Article 14 (Building Cooperative System in Emergency Medical Services) (1) The Mayor may form and operate a consultative panel on emergency medical services in each district, comprised of related organizations, such as autonomous Gus, fire stations and emergency medical institutions, based upon the distribution of emergency medical resources and living zones in Seoul Metropolitan City.
(2) To provide proper emergency medical services, the Mayor may administratively and financially assist the consultative panel on emergency medical services formed at each district under paragraph (1) required for its emergency medical service programs.

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Article 15 (Guidance and Supervision) (1) The Mayor shall guide and supervise financial management if he or she provides financial assistance pursuant to this Ordinance.
(2) The Mayor may evaluate outcomes of guiding and supervising under paragraph (1) and utilize the outcomes for providing financial assistance in the following year. <Amended by Ordinance No.6386, Jan. 5, 2017>

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Article 16 (Installation of Signboards) (1) The Mayor may advise emergency medical institutions to install signboards to help users easily locate emergency rooms.
(2) Every emergency medical institution shall install signs to help users easily locate and access the emergency room.

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Article 17 (Enforcement Rules) Matters necessary to enforce this Ordinance shall be prescribed by Rule of the Seoul Government. <Amended by Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>

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ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6077, Jan. 7, 2016>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6077, Jan. 7, 2016>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6386, Jan. 5, 2017>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 6700, Jan. 4, 2018>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.