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Partial Amendment No. 4467, Jan. 13, 2022 Partial Amendment No. 4475, Mar. 24, 2022

CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Rule is to provide for matters delegated by the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Water Supply and Waterworks Installation and matters necessary for the enforcement thereof. <Amended on Oct. 10, 2019>

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Article 2 (Classification of Water Supply System Work) Water supply system work are classified as follows:
1. Installation: Installation of a new water supply system in an area without water supply;
2. Alteration: Alteration of the original form of a water supply system, such as the alteration of diameter of, additional installation of, and relocation of water pipes or replacement of worn-out water pipes;
3. Repair: Repair of a partially damaged part of a water system to restore the original form thereof;
4. Removal: Removal of water supply pipes and their apparatuses in a case where the water supply system is unnecessary.

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CHAPTER II WATER SUPPLY WORKS Article 3 (Application for and Approval of Water Supply Works and Payment of Costs of Water Supply Works) (1) An applicant for water supply work shall submit an application for water supply works using attached Form 1 to the director of competent water supply office (hereinafter referred to as "director of the water supply office") and obtain his or her approval therefor. In such cases, the director of the water supply office may request the applicant to attach a written consent to use land or a building using attached Form 2, if deemed necessary.
(2) Upon receipt of an application for water supply works pursuant to paragraph (1), the director of the water supply office shall determine whether to grant approval within four days and shall send a notice of approval for works and a request to pay the cost of works using attached Form 3 to the applicant to pay both the cost of works under Article 7 of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Water Supply and Waterworks Installation (hereinafter referred to as "Ordinance") as well as any charges under Article 4 (1) of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Collection of Charges Imposed on Causers for Relocation and Installation of Waterworks (hereinafter referred to as "Ordinance on Collection of Charges Imposed on Causers"): Provided, That where any unpaid charges prescribed by Ordinance remain, the director of the water supply office need not grant approval for water supply works to the same place until the unpaid charges are paid in full. <Amended on Sep. 30, 2010; Oct. 10, 2019>
(3) The cost of works and any charges imposed on causers under paragraph (2) shall be paid by the deadline specified in the notice using attached Form 3. <Amended on Sep. 30, 2010>
(4) Notwithstanding paragraph (3), where an applicant for water supply works fails to pay for the cost of works and other charges by the deadline, the director of the water supply office shall notify an applicant for water supply works that the application has been cancelled by deeming that such application for water supply works have been canceled: Provided, That the same shall not apply where the cost of works and other charges are not paid due to a change in the cost of works or other justifiable cause.

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Article 4 (Planning of Water Supply Works) (1) The scope of the planning of water supply works under Article 11 of the Ordinance shall be as specified in attached Table 1.
(2) In principle, the diameter of an inlet water pipe directly branched from a water pipeline shall be at least 20 millimeters: Provided, That where it is an inlet water pipe of each household of a multi-family residential building or where the director of the water supply office deems it reasonable to install an inlet water pipe of a smaller diameter in consideration of the size of a building, an inlet water pipe of 15 millimeters in diameter may be also allowed.

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Article 5 (Common Water Supply System Works) (1) Where a common water supply system is deemed necessary due to difficulties in installing an exclusive water supply system, the director of the water supply office may install the common water supply system pursuant to Article 6 (2) of the Ordinance.
(2) Where the representative of residents in a water supply area intends to install a common water supply system on the residents' account, he or she shall obtain consent from the residents in the relevant area and shall file an application with the director of the water supply office by preparing the following documents:
1. A written application for water supply works using attached Form 1;
2. A rough map and a cadastral map of the installation;
3. A document concerning the name of householder subject to water supply and the number of people to be supplied with water.
(3) Where a common water supply system installed pursuant to paragraphs (1) and (2) is deemed unnecessary, the director of the water supply office may disconnect such water supply system ex officio.
(4) The director of the water supply office shall select a manager of a common water supply system (hereinafter referred to as "manager") among the persons who use such common water supply system and who are recommended by the head of the relevant Dong; and the selected manager shall submit the following documents to the director of the water supply office. The same shall apply to any change of managers:
1. A letter of recommendation for a manager of a common water supply system from the head of the relevant Dong pursuant to attached Form 4;
2. A written oath.
(5) Where a manger has been selected pursuant to paragraph (4), the director of the water supply office shall issue a certificate of designation of a manager of a common water supply system under attached Form 5. The same shall apply to any change of managers.
(6) A manager of a common water supply system shall conscientiously perform his or her duty to manage such water supply system, such as payment of water rates, and where the manager fails to perform his or her duty, the director of the water supply office may revoke the designation of the manager.

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Article 6 (Temporary Water Supply Works) (1) Where a user, an owner, or a manager of a water supply system (hereinafter referred to as "water consumer") files an application for temporary water supply works, the director of the water supply office shall approve temporary water supply works only for temporary buildings permitted or reported pursuant to the Building Act and other relevant statutes and regulations.
(2) Where a temporary water supply work under paragraph (1) is deemed to create a problem for residents in a neighboring area in using tap water, the director of the water supply office may order the applicant for such temporary water supply work to take necessary measures.
(3) The period for approval for use of temporary water supply shall be the period for approval for use of such temporary building under relevant statutes or regulations, such as the Building Act.

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Article 7 (Water Supply Works within Complex) (1) Where a multi-family residential building, etc. files an application for water supply works and the director of the water supply office deems it necessary for the supply of water to residents and the maintenance and management, he or she shall review the feasibility thereof by requiring an applicant of such water supply works to submit a planning map for pipes within the complex.
(2) The cost of water supply works within a complex shall be borne by an applicant for water supply works: Provided, That the same shall not apply where the Mayor determines otherwise.
(3) Water supply works within a complex shall be conducted by a business entity of water supply and sewerage system in attached Table 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Framework Act on the Construction Industry.

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Article 8 (Improvement Works of Inlet Water Pipes) (1) Upon receipt of an application for water supply works, the director of the water supply office shall visit the site, inspect the condition of water discharge, the internal corrosion condition of pipes, the cause of water discharge defects, and other relevant matters, and determine the subject to improve.
(2) The cost of works (including the cost of paving a yard) for the section between a branch point and a water meter box (where a main water meter is installed, a main water meter) among the cost of improvement works of inlet water pipes implemented pursuant to Article 9 (2) of the Ordinance shall be borne by the Seoul Metropolitan Government: Provided, That the same shall not apply to the expenses for the relocation and recovery of special facilities, such as a garden facility and other structures.

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Article 9 (Location to install Water Meters) (1) In principle, a water meter shall be installed on vacant land within three meters of the boundary of a building site in which a general house or a general building abuts a road: Provided, That the director of the water supply office may determine and adjust the location thereof in extenuating circumstances.
(2) The following standards shall apply to a multi-family residential building:
1. The location to install a main water meter shall be in accordance with paragraph (1), and shall be installed before passing through a water tank;
2. The water meter for each household shall be installed on the exterior wall of each household to facilitate inspection or replacement thereof: Provided, That the water meter may be installed within three meters from the relevant building in extenuating circumstances;
3. Where a water meter is installed on the wall, its height shall be 1.0 to 1.1 meters off the ground to facilitate inspection or replacement thereof: Provided, That the director of the water supply office may adjust such height in extenuating circumstances.

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Article 10 (Notification of Period of Works and Completion of Installation) (1) The period of a water supply work shall not exceed four days per case and shall be extended by two days if one water supply work is added: Provided, That the same shall not apply to special cases, such as works with a diameter of at least 50 millimeters or an extension of at least 30 meters, and consumers supplied by large quantity of water in .
(2) A contractor shall submit a report on the completion on the date of completion of work and discharge water immediately after completion.
(3) The head of the division that has installed a water meter shall prepare a notice of completion of installation using attached Form 6 within three days from the date of completion of installation and send it to the head of the division in charge of water rates management.

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Article 11 (Liability for Defects in Works) The liability for defects in water supply works shall be in accordance with the relevant statutes and regulations, such as the Act on Contracts to Which a Local Government Is a Party and the Framework Act on the Construction Industry.

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Article 12 (Reporting of Direct Water Supply Systems) (1) Any of the following water consumers who intend to have a direct supply water pursuant to Article 12 (1) of the Ordinance shall submit a report on direct water supply using attached Form 7 to the head of the relevant director of the water supply office:
1. A person who intends to provide non-pressured direct water supply to a building with at least four stories;
2. A person who intends to provide pressured direct water supply to a building.
(2) Upon receipt of a report pursuant to paragraph (1), the director of the water supply office shall determine whether a direct water supply is available within three days from the date of receipt of the report and shall send a certificate of report on direct water supply using attached Form 8 or a notice of rejection of report on direct water supply using attached Form 9 to the applicant.

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Article 13 (Water Supply by Means other than Direct Water Supply Systems) (1) Where water is supplied by any means other than a direct water supply system pursuant to Article 12 (2) of the Ordinance, a building shall include any of the following facilities:
1. General hospitals;
2. Tourist and accommodation facilities;
3. Facilities that need to be prepared for suspension of water supply due to an accident or disaster;
4. Facilities for manufacturing, processing or storing hazardous chemical substances, such as toxic chemicals or medicines;
5. Facilities that have food refrigerators and electronic computer systems, which require cooling water supply.
(2) Where a water consumer supplies water by any means other than a direct water supply system, he or she shall install water tanks at a proper size and pressure systems on the site of the relevant building.
(3) The structure, materials, etc. of water tanks under paragraph (2) shall be in accordance with the Regulations on Standards, etc. for Housing Construction.

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CHAPTER III WATER SUPPLY Article 14 (Diameter of Inlet Water Pipes) The method of calculating the diameter of an inlet water pipe under Article 16 (1) of the Ordinance shall be as follows:
1. Residential buildings: Apply the standards prescribed in attached Table 3 of the Rules on Standards, etc. for Facilities of Buildings (Provided, That the standards in attached Table 2 shall apply where the number of households supplied by water is at least 30);
2. Non-residential buildings: Apply standards in attached Tables 3 and 4.

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Article 15 (Water Supply for Private Fire-Fighting Systems) (1) A person who intends to use private firefighting water supply for a firefighter drill shall prepare an application for the drill of a private firefighting water supply systems using attached Form 10 and file a report thereon with the director of the competent water supply office.
(2) Where using the private firefighting water supply for the firefighter drill pursuant to paragraph (1), the relevant public official of the competent water supply office shall be present.

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Article 16 (Testing of Water Meters) (1) Where it is deemed that the spin of a water meter is in abnormal condition, the director of the water supply office shall deal with the matter as follows:
1. With respect to a water meter with a diameter of not more than 25 millimeters, a comparative flow test may be conducted by a standard water meter at the site for determining whether the water meter is in normal condition or abnormal condition, no verification test may be requested, if the water consumer acknowledges the result thereof;
2. Where a water consumer requests a verification test in accordance with attached Form 11 pursuant to Article 20 (1) of the Ordinance, a public official in charge shall enter it in a register of the request for verification of a water meter and the result of verification using attached Form 12 and shall request that a verification institution conduct the test.
(2) The director of the water supply office shall, without delay, notify a water consumer in writing of the scheduled date of presence for a verification test of a water meter and the result thereof.

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Article 17 (Disconnection of Water Supply Systems and Discontinuance of Water Supply) (1) A water consumer who intends to discontinue water supply under Article 22 (1) of the Ordinance shall file an application for the discontinuance of water supply using attached Form 13 with the director of the water supply office; and a water consumer who intends to disconnect a water supply system shall file an application for the disconnection of a water supply system using attached Form 14 with the director of the water supply office.
(2) An application under paragraph (1) may be filed by facsimile, Internet, telephone, etc. and where the application is filed by telephone, etc., a person in charge of the receipt of civil petitions shall record and manage matters received in a register of civil petition treatment.
(3) When intending to disconnect a water supply system pursuant to Article 22 (2) 1 or 2 of the Ordinance, the water supply system shall be disconnected after giving notice to the water consumer for a fixed period of at least 15 days.
(4) When the water supply is discontinued based on an application filed under paragraph (1), the director of the water supply office shall confirm on the date of regular inspection whether the water is being used.
(5) Where the water supply is discontinued or a water supply system is disconnected pursuant to paragraph (1), the director of the water supply office shall discontinue water supply or disconnect the water supply system after having a water consumer to payunpaid water rates, etc. fully.
(6) Where a building is demolished due to urban planning, etc. and a water supply system is abandoned, the director of the water supply office shall remove the water supply system immediately upon becoming aware of such fact and collect the amount in arrears if any.

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CHAPTER IV WATER RATES Article 18 (Payment Period of Water Rates) In any of the following cases that are deemed necessary by the director of the water supply office pursuant to Article 28 (2), the water rates may be paid monthly or intermittently:
1. Where the first water rates are collected for a new water supply system and for a water supply system for which the discontinuance of water supply is canceled;
2. Where the final water rates are collected due to the discontinuance of water supply or disconnection of a water supply system;
3. Where it is deemed necessary to measure the volume of consumption separately on a monthly basis due to a change in the business type;
4. With respect to consumers for domestic use who desire a monthly notice or consumers other than consumers for domestic use who consume at least 150 cubic meters per month, the meter reading shall be conducted every two months and they shall be notified of the results thereof on a monthly basis;
5. Where the separation of water rates is reported due to the change of an owner.

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Article 19 (Procedures for Decision on Collection of Water Rates) (1) The director of the water supply office shall enter matters to be inspected for a water meter in the computer.
(2) Decision on collection and resolution of regular water rates shall be handled as follows:
1. When the calculation of water rates is completed, the director of the water supply office shall prepare a written resolution on revenue using attached Form 15 along with a statement of decision on collection (computer-processed tabulation); and a division in charge of computer processing shall issue a notice thereof and transfer it to the relevant water supply office by the 16th day of the payment month;
2. A payment notice under subparagraph 1 shall be prepared in the order of consumer number;
3. Evidencing documents shall be attached as at the time of a decision on collection.
(3) With respect to a decision to collect water rates intermittently, a notice shall be issued at the time cause arises via a decision on such collection and resolution : Provided, That with respect to the revenue collected without the decision and resolution on collection, an ex post facto decision and resolution on collection shall be made.
(4) The matters on which a decision on collection has been made shall be registered in the ledger of decision on collection of revenue using attached Form 16.

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Article 20 (Methods of Decision on Collection of Consumption Rates) (1) A decision on collection of consumption rates for the relevant payment period shall be based on the volume of consumption calculated by subtracting the meter reading for the preceding inspection from the meter reading for this inspection.
(2) The consumption rates shall be the amount obtained by dividing the volume of consumption under paragraph (1) by the number of water consumption months in order to calculate the consumption rates per month and then multiplying such consumption rates by the number of water consumption months.

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Article 21 (Decision on Collection based on Estimation) (1) Where the measured volume of consumption is deemed to have been abnormally measured due to any malfunction of a water meter, the decision on collection shall be made as follows:
1. Where the preceding meter reading amount shows a normal volume of consumption, the volume of consumption shall be the preceding meter reading amount;
2. Where the preceding meter reading amount shows a volume of consumption in an abnormal range, the volume of consumption shall be the average volume of consumption for the preceding four months excluding the abnormal volume of consumption;
3. Where it is deemed unreasonable that the decision on collection has been made by the methods under subparagraphs 1 and 2 due to large fluctuation in monthly and seasonal consumption, the decision on collection may be made in consideration of the volume of consumption for the past year, the volume of consumption of similar consumer supplied by water in the neighborhood, and other relevant matters;
4. Where the volume of consumption measured by a new water meter is in an abnormal range, the decision on collection shall be made by estimating the meter reading amount and then the decision on collection shall be made after the settlement of consumption rates by applying mutatis mutandis paragraph (2) 2 as at the time of the next reading.
(2) Where a water meter is replaced, the method for the decision on collection based on the volume of consumption from the date the preceding meter was read to the date the new meter is read shall be as follows:
1. Where a removed water meter is in a normal condition: The unrated volume of consumption of a removed water meter + the volume of consumption of a new water meter;
2. Where a removed water meter is in an abnormal condition: The volume of consumption for the new water meter per day x the number of water consumption days (the date the new meter is read - the date the previous meter was read): Provided, That paragraph (1) shall apply where the number of days using a new water meter is less than seven days or where a decision on collection by this method is deemed unreasonable.
(3) Where the director of the water supply office conducts a verification test of a water meter at the request of a water consumer or ex officio, notwithstanding paragraph (1), the decision on collection shall be made according to the amount of inspection; where an error of a type-approved water meter, as a result of the verification test, exceeds the range of the user's tolerance in attached Table 5, the consumption rates shall be settled by calculating corrected volume of consumption as follows: Provided, That where the amount of inspection has increased by at least twice the preceding volume of consumption in normal range and a water consumer files an objection, the decision on collection shall be made pursuant to paragraph (1) and the consumption rates shall be settled in accordance with the results of verification of a water meter.
Corrected volume of consumption = meter reading amount × 100 / (100 ± verification error)
(4) Paragraph (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis where the decision on collection is made upon deeming other causes other than malfunction of a water meter, but the decision on collection shall be made after the settlement of consumption rates calculated on a daily basis at the following inspection.
(5) Where tap water is consumed without installing a water meter, the method of the decision on collection of the volume of consumption shall be as follows:
1. The decision on collection for domestic use: The volume of consumption shall be the aggregate of 4 cubic meters per person per month and 0.2 cubic meters per square meter of consumer building, but amount of less than 1 cubic meter shall be written off;
2. The decision on collection for other types of businesses: The volume of consumption shall be calculated by multiplying the quantity of water discharged per diameter of the inlet water pipe in attached Table 3 by the daily water supply hour per type of business in attached Table 6, but amount of less than 1 cubic meter shall be written off.
(6) A decision on collection based on an estimation under paragraphs (1) through (4) may not take place more than twice: Provided, That the same shall not apply where any special circumstance exists, after recording such detailed reason.

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Article 22 (Order of Business Type to Which Water is Supplied and Change in Business Type) (1) Applying business type for which water rates are higher under Article 24 (1) of the Ordinance means applying business type for which the water rates are greater based on the calculation of the volume of consumption; and the methods of application shall be as follows:
1. Ancillary facilities shall be treated as the same business type as main facilities to which they pertain;
2. The business type of convenience facilities shall be as specified in attached Table 1 of Article 23 of the Ordinance: Provided, That subparagraph 1 may apply mutatis mutandis where the representatives of the main facilities operate the relevant convenience facilities.
(2) A change in the business type with regard to water supply shall be processed either in accordance with the report on the change in the business type with regard to water supply using attached Form 17 submitted by a water consumer or in accordance with the protocol on the change in the business type with regard to water supply using attached Form 18 as prepared by a relevant public official.

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Article 23 (Composition and Operation of Committee for Deliberation on Adjustment of Water Rates) (1) At least two persons who are not public officials shall be commissioned as members of a committee for the deliberation on the adjustment of water rates under Article 27 (2) of the Ordinance (hereinafter referred to as "committee") and the letter of commission using attached Form 19 shall be given to them.
(2) The term of office of a member who is not a public official shall be two years and may be consecutively renewed.
(3) The chairperson shall preside over meetings of the committee and represent the committee, and if deemed necessary, may have a relevant public official attend a meeting of the committee to state his or her opinion or submit necessary materials.
(4) Where the chairperson is unable to perform his or her duties due to any unavoidable cause, a member designated by the chairperson in advance shall act on behalf of the chairperson.
(5) The secretary of the committee shall be the director in charge of water rates and he or she shall handle the affairs of the committee, such as preparing and keeping minutes of meetings including the following:
1. The date, time, and venue of a meeting;
2. The names of members present at a meeting;
3. Matters to be deliberated upon and the result of deliberation;
4. Other matters deemed necessary by the Chairperson.

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Article 24 (Deliberation by Committee) (1) In principle, meetings of the committee shall be held once a month; and if the chairperson deems it necessary, meetings may be held as occasions arise.
(2) Where the committee deliberates upon and decides consumption rates, it shall consider the following matters:
1. Changes in monthly or seasonal consumption;
2. Whether consumption rates may surge due to consumption in large quantity;
3. Whether consumption rates have surged due to any reasons attributable to water consumers, such as leak and discharge;
4. Whether a change has occurred in business conditions, the number of person supplied by water, or the building.
(3) A person who intends to request deliberation by the committee shall prepare an agenda item for deliberation pursuant to attached Form 20 and shall request deliberation by submitting the following documents:
1. A civil petition;
2. A report on the result of any investigations based on a civil petition;
3. A record as to the results of management inspection;
4. Other reference documents.
(4) Where the committee deliberates and decides water rates, the director of the water supply office shall reduce or exempt the relevant water rates without delay and notify a civil petitioner as to the results.
(5) An allowance may be paid to members who attend meetings of the committee within budgetary limits: Provided, That this shall not apply to where a member who is a public official attends a meeting of the committee with regard to his or her duties.

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Article 25 (Standards for Division by Households) (1) A water consumer who intends to become eligible for the water rates under the main clause of Article 29 (1) of the Ordinance may prepare a report on the division by households using attached Form 21, and submit it to the director of the water supply office or may file an application by telephone, facsimile, the Internet, or other means. <Amended on Aug. 25, 2011>
(2) Where a water consumer intends to become eligible for the water rates under Article 29 (2) of the Ordinance, the standards for division by households based on the number of units with a building permit shall apply to the water consumer; where the number of units with a building permit is greater than the number of actual residential units, the owner or the representative of the relevant building shall submit a report on the division by households using attached Form 22 to the director of the water supply office: Provided, That where an apartment with at least 50 households is not fully occupied, the standards for division by households shall apply to the water consumer after verifying the number of actual residential households or whether the water consumers therein is registered in resident registration. <Amended on Feb. 23, 2012>
(3) The representative of a dormitory or social welfare accommodation facility who intends to become eligible for division by households under Article 29 (3) of the Ordinance shall submit a report on the division by using attachedhouseholds Form 23 to the director of the water supply office: Provided, That where water is jointly used for other purposes, a rate for domestic use shall apply up to five cubic meters per month per the number of rooms. <Amended on Feb. 23, 2012>
(4) The representative of an off-campus residential facility (referring to an off-campus residential facility with an exclusive water supply system and registered in the building management register) under Article 29 (3) of the Ordinance shall submit a report on the division by households using attached Form 23-2: Provided, That paragraph (5) shall apply where water is jointly used for other purposes. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 23, 2012>
(5) A water consumer who intends to become eligible for the water rates under Article 29 (4) of the Ordinance may indicate that the purpose of a water meter is both for a residential building and for a store in the report on the division by households using attached Form 21, and submit it to the director of the water supply office or may file an application by telephone, facsimile, the Internet, or other means. <Amended on Aug. 25, 2011; Feb. 23, 2012>
(6) The time for applying the water rates under paragraphs (1) through (5) shall be as follows: <Amended on Feb. 23, 2012>
1. Where a new report is filed or a report on the changes due to the increase of the number of households is filed, the water rates shall begin to apply to the amount of the first regular inspection on a monthly basis after the date of receiving the report;
2. Where the number of households is reduced, the water rates shall begin to apply to the amount of the second regular inspection on a monthly basis from the date on which the number of households is reduced.

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Article 26 (Settlement of Water Rates) (1) Where it is intended to separate the water rates for the volume of consumption of the former owner pursuant to Article 30 of the Ordinance, a report shall be filed with the director of the water supply office at least than 10 days prior to the date of acquisition (referring to the date on which the water consumer is actually changed, such as where a new owner occupies the relevant building) pursuant to attached Form 24.
(2) Where the date of the change of ownership is different from the date of transfer of a building due to a judicial or public auction, the water rates may be settled based on the date of transfer of the building and the new owner shall submit the following evidential documents:
1. The written order for the transfer of real estate;
2. A certificate that eviction suit is final and conclusive.
(3) Where a report under paragraph (1) is filed, the director of the water supply office shall inspect the water meter on the date of acquisition and send a notice on water rates to the former owner within three days from the date of inspection.

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Article 27 (Reduction of and Exemption from Water Rates) (1) Methods for the reduction of and exemption from water rates under Article 31 of the Ordinance are as follows: <Amended on Apr. 29, 2010; Feb. 23, 2012; Oct. 12, 2017; Jan. 16, 2020>
1. The method for the reduction and exemption under Article 31 (1) 1 and 2 of the Ordinance shall be determined by the Mayor;
2. With respect to the reduction and exemption for recipients eligible for national basic living expenses under Article 31 (1) 3 of the Ordinance, the volume of monthly consumption shall be reduced by ten cubic meters: Provided, That the same shall not apply to a person falling under Article 31 (1) 10 of the Ordinance or a person who has moved into a facility under Article 31 (1) 6 or 11 of the Ordinance;
3. The minimum rates per diameter for firefighting water used for public purposes under Article 31 (1) 4 of the Ordinance shall be reduced in full;
4. Deleted; <Feb. 23, 2012>
5. With respect to the facilities under Article 31 (1) 6 of the Ordinance, the volume of consumption shall be reduced by 20/100;
6. With respect to the persons under Article 31 (1) 7 of the Ordinance, the water rates shall be discounted by 600 won per time;
7. With respect to the persons under Article 31 (1) 8 of the Ordinance, the discount rate per a water rate shall be applied as follows:
(a) Not more than 20,000 won: 200 won;
(b) More than 20,000 won: 1 percent. In such cases, the total amount of discount shall not exceed 1,000 won.
8. With respect to the reduction or exemption for a person of distinguished services to national independence or one person who has the first priority among his or her bereaved families under Article 31 (1) 10 of the Ordinance, the volume of monthly consumption shall be reduced by ten cubic meters: Provided, That the same shall not apply to a person who has moved into a facility under Article 31 (1) 6 or 11 of the Ordinance;
9. Pursuant to Article 31 (1) 11 of the Ordinance, with respect to facilities used by persons with disabilities or accommodating facilities for them, the volume of consumption shall be reduced by 20/100; no past due charge may be collected from military units;
10. Where it is deemed necessary for public interest, the Mayor may separately determine such matters.
(2) A person who intends to be granted a reduction or exemption under paragraph (1) 2 shall file an application with the director of the water supply office in accordance with attached Form 24-2, along with a certificate of eligible recipients under the National Basic Living Security Act: Provided, That the same shall not apply where a details of changes in eligible recipients is notified by the division in charge of social welfare. <Newly Inserted on Feb. 23, 2012; Jan. 16, 2020>
(3) The time for applying the water rates under paragraph (2) shall be as follows: <Newly Inserted on Feb. 23, 2012;>
1. The water rates for newly installed water supply systems shall be applied from the first monthly inspection after the report is filed;
2. The water rates for discontinued water supply systems shall be applied from the second monthly inspection after the report is filed.

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Article 28 (Application for Reduction of or Exemption from Water Rates Based on Water Leakage) (1) Where a water consumer seeks a reduction of or exemption from water rates for a water leak pursuant to Article 26 (3) of the Ordinance, he or she shall file an application for the reduction of or exemption from water rates based on water leakage from a water supply or sewage using attached Form 25 with the director of the water supply office within 90 days from the receipt of a notice on water rates.
(2) Where an application for the reduction of or exemption from water rates for water leakage under paragraph (1) is filed, the director of the water supply office shall verify whether water leaks exist and reduce or exempt the applicant from the water rates based on water leakage.

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Article 29 (Payment Notices and Collection) (1) The director of the water supply office shall send a payment notice stating the due date, the amount to be paid, the place of payment, etc. of water rates and other charges to a water consumer at least seven days prior to the deadline for payment.
(2) When a payment notice is lost or damaged, a water consumer under paragraph (1) may apply for re-issuance of the payment notice to the director of the water supply office.
(3) A person who intends to apply for electronic service, or modify or terminate the relevant application shall submit a written application (modification or termination) for electronic notice (e-mail, mobile phone, etc.) using attached Form 26 to the director of the relevant water supply office. <Amended on Jan. 14, 2021>
(4) The parties shall be verified by any of the following methods as at the time of applying electronic service (perusal):
1. Authorized certificate under the Digital Signature Act;
2. The last six digits of the resident registration number;
3. Other methods deemed necessary by the Mayor.

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Article 30 (Past Due Charges and Notice of Reminder) (1) A written resolution on revenue used for ledger of receipt may be used to resolve on past due charges under Article 33 (1) of the Ordinance.
(2) When preparing a notice of reminder under Article 33 (2) of the Ordinance, the remaining past due rate, if any, shall be recorded in a lump sum after verifying a management card for past due.

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Article 31 (Notification of Default in Payment) (1) When the director of the water supply office notifies the owner as to the default in payment pursuant to the proviso of Article 33 (3) of the Ordinance, he or she shall comply with attached Form 27 and any of the following cases shall be subject to notice:
1. Where a past due rate is at least 200 thousand won;
2. Where the number of past due is at least six occasions;
3. Where it is intended to suspend water supply;
4. Where the property is inquired for the purpose of seizure, etc.
(2) If the domicile of the owner is unclear when the notice as to a default in payment is given pursuant to paragraph (1), the director of water supply shall make inquiries with relevant agencies, etc. to identify the domicile of the owner.

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Article 32 (Preparation of Management Cards for Past Due) (1) With respect to a past due rate where two months have elapsed since the deadline for payment, a management card for past due using attached Form 28 shall be prepared and managed.
(2) A management card for past due shall state the personal information of the owner or user who has defaulted in payment, and manage them in the order of customer for each building: Provided, That the management card for past due may be managed in the order of inspection, if necessary for the settlement of past due rates, etc.
(3) Where measures for compulsory collection, such as suspension of water supply, attachment of property, are taken, such measures shall be indicated in the measures column.

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Article 33 (Management of Remaining Defaults in Payment after Changes in Ownership) (1) Water rates in arrear by a former owner and any other charges shall be recorded and managed in a ledger for management of remaining defaults in payment after changes in ownership using attached Form 29.
(2) With respect to a person who fails to pay water rates under paragraph (1), the director of the water supply office shall give a notification urging payment by after making inquiries as to the address and property of such person, attach property of such person to secure the claims, and request that director of the relevant water supply office suspend water supply: Provided, That the Assistant Mayor of Seoul Waterworks Authority (hereinafter referred to as the "Assistant Mayor") may suspend the water supply of a person who fails to pay large amount of water rates for the preceding year. <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
(3) The director of the water supply office in receipt of a request for the suspension of water supply pursuant to paragraph (2) shall suspend the water supply within 15 days from the date of receipt and notify the results thereof.

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Article 34 (Security Deposits of Water Rates for Temporary Water Supply) (1) A security deposit for a temporary water supply shall be an amount equivalent to the water rates for three months, calculated based on the quantity of water discharged per diameter of inlet water pipes in attached Table 3 and based on the daily water supply hours by type of business in attached Table 6.
(2) A security deposit for temporary water supply shall be made in cash or by a guarantee insurance policy, and shall be collected in advance from the applicant for a temporary water supply:
1. Where an applicant for a temporary water supply pays a security deposit in cash, he or she shall deposit it as a special deposit in a cash account other than revenues and expenditures of the water supply office and settle it after the temporary water supply is completed;
2. Where an applicant for temporary water supply substitutes a written guarantee for payment (hereinafter referred to as "written guarantee") for the security deposit, the director of the water supply office shall confirm the period of the guarantee for the temporary water supply, and when the period of temporary water supply is extended, he or she shall have the applicant for the temporary water supply keep the relevant written guarantee.
(3) The director of the water supply office shall record and manage the security deposit paid or guarantee given by the user of the temporary water supply in the management ledger of security deposit for temporary water supply using attached Form 30.
(4) Consumption rates for temporary water supply shall be calculated by inspecting the volume of consumption every two months on the regular inspection day of the relevant area and collected every month.
(5) If nonpayment of consumption rates for temporary water supply continues for at least two months, a written guarantee shall be notified to a guarantee company for preferential payment and a re-written guarantee shall be received; and in cases of cash, such nonpayment of consumption rates for temporary water supply shall be appropriated to pay the past due water rate and any shortage shall also be collected.

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Article 35 (Receipt Management) (1) Upon receiving a written notice of certification of receipt from a receiving agency (including electronic data used after computerizing data on receipts), a treasurer in charge of receiving and disbursing revenue shall stamp (including an electronic stamp) the ledger of receipt and the management card for past due using attached Form 28.
(2) Where the ledger of receipt and the management card for past due were stamped pursuant to paragraph (1) but failed to correspond to the details of imposition, a treasurer in charge of receiving and disbursing revenue shall stamp the ledger of receipt and the management card for past due after identifying and recording the causes thereof.
(3) Where overpayment or erroneous payment is found as a result of stamping for receipt, such overpayment or erroneous payment shall be clearly indicated and shall be appropriated or returned.

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Article 36 (Receiving Institutions) (1) In principle, a agency that receives water rates and other charges for which notice of payment have issued shall be a commercial financial institution.
(2) Matters concerning receiving, such as methods of receiving and notifying the amount received by financial institutions under paragraph (1), shall be governed by a contract made between the Seoul Metropolitan Government and financial institutions.

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Article 37 (Totalization of Receipt) (1) A treasurer receiving and disbursing revenues shall prepare a daily table of receipt using attached Form 31 concerning the received money notified by the receiving institutions and shall confirm receipt of and keep records as to any transfer of received cash by arranging daily account and accumulated sum: Provided, That where the daily table for receipt is prepared by electronic means, it shall be processed by the head of the electronic computer division and confirmed by a treasurer receiving and disbursing revenues.
(2) A treasurer receiving and disbursing revenues shall classify a daily table of receipt, or a written notice of certification of payment and a report on receipt of which a ledger for receipt of financial institutions by each zone and keep them after binding by monthly and daily: Provided, That where a written notice of certification of payment is kept in electronic files, the same shall not apply.
(3) The data on receipts under paragraph (1) shall be prepared separately for the current year, past year and by each zone; and the data on receipts for the current year shall be classified by within the deadline for payment and after the deadline for payment; and the data on receipts for the past year shall be classified by year.
(4) A treasurer receiving and disbursing revenues shall compare the received money notified by receiving institutions and matters entered in the computer system.
(5) A treasurer receiving and disbursing revenues shall prepare a table for revenue collection using attached Form 32 as at the end of each month.

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Article 38 (Appropriation and Refund of Overpayments or Erroneous Payments) (1) Where an overpayment or erroneous payment occurs due to a payment made by mistake or a double payment of water rates and other charges, due to a decision to cancel or correct such imposition, reduction or exemption thereof, or due to other similar reasons, the director of the water supply office shall register such fact in the register of an overpayment or erroneous payment using attached Form 33 and resolve an overpayment or erroneous payment pursuant to attached Form 34. In such cases, where data on an overpayment or erroneous payment is processed electronically, such data may be managed electronically.
(2) An overpayment or erroneous payment under paragraph (1) shall be appropriated to pay any other unpaid amounts and the remainder shall be promptly refunded to the water consumers (hereinafter referred to as "person entitled to a refund").
(3) When the director of the water supply office intends to appropriate or refund an amount pursuant to paragraph (2), a written resolution on overpayment or erroneous payment using attached Form 35 shall be prepared and a written notice of overpayment and erroneous payment using attached Form 36 shall be sent to the person entitled to a refund.
(4) When a person entitled to a refund requests the refund of an overpaid or erroneously paid amount, a written order to refund an overpayment and erroneous payment using attached Form 37 shall be issued both to the Seoul Government Treasury and to the person entitled to a refund. In such cases, a written order to refund an overpaid or erroneously paid amount may be sent to the Seoul Government Treasury electronically. <Amended on Aug. 25, 2011>
(5) Refund on an overpayment or an erroneous payment shall be made from the charges collectible in the refunded year.
(6) When an erroneous or overpayment has not been registered in the register of an overpayment or erroneous payment or has not been processed as an erroneous or overpayment, the erroneous or overpayment shall be refunded after receiving a written request for refund on erroneous or overpayment using attached Form 38 accompanied by a receipt.
(7) If a person entitled to a refund so requests or fails to apply for refund within the period for notice to apply for refund, the director of the water supply office may deduct an erroneous or overpayment from the rates of next payment and notify such person thereof.

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CHAPTER V WATER QUALITY TEST Article 39 (Application for and Period of Test) (1) A person who intends to conduct water quality test pursuant to Article 35 (1) of the Ordinance shall submit an application for test using attached Form 39 or 40, to the president of the Seoul Waterworks Research Institute (hereinafter referred to as the "president of the research institute") or to the director of the water supply office. <Amended on Aug. 27, 2015>
(2) With respect to the virus, a test shall be completed within 90 days pursuant to the proviso of Article 35 (2) of the Ordinance.

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Article 40 (Substances Monitored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government) The standards of water quality, testing subjects, testing cycle with regard to substances monitored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government under Article 36 (2) of the Ordinance shall be as specified in attached Table 7, the testing methods thereof shall be as specified in attached Table 8.

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Article 41 (Test Results Reports) (1) The president of the research institute or the director of the water supply office shall test and issue the following test results reports to the applicant:
1. When the water quality test under Article 35 (3) 1 of the Ordinance is completed, a test result report prescribed by the Rule on the Standards of the Quality of Drinking Water and Tests, etc. Thereof shall be issued;
2. When the test of water treatment chemicals under Article 35 (3) 2 of the Ordinance is completed, a test result report prescribed using attached Form 41 shall be issued;
3. With respect to the substances monitored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government under Article 36 of the Ordinance, a test result report prescribed using attached Form 42 shall be issued;
4. When the test of materials and products for waterworks under Article 35 (3) 3 of the Ordinance, a test result report prescribed using attached Form 43 shall be issued.
(2) A person who intends to have his or her test results report reissued that is issued pursuant to paragraph (1) shall submit a written application for re-issuance using attached Form 44 to the president of the research institute or to the director of the water supply office.
(3) The president of the research institute or the director of the water supply office shall preserve the original test results report under paragraph (1) for three years.

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Article 42 (Test fees) (1) Where the president of the research institute or the director of the water supply office receives an application for a test pursuant to Article 39 (1), he or she shall collect the following fees by issuing a notice to the relevant applicant: Provided, That where samples are to be taken at the site, actual expenses incurred therein may be collected:<Amended on Feb. 29, 2011>
1. The fees for a test for the quality of drinking water, a water treatment chemical, or a material or product for waterworks shall be as specified in the National Institute of Environmental Research Rule on Requesting for Tests;
2. Fees for items not prescribed by the National Institute of Environmental Research Rule on Requesting for Tests among the substances monitored by the Seoul Metropolitan Government shall be as specified in attached Table 9;
3. Fees for items not prescribed by the National Institute of Environmental Research Rule on Requesting for Tests among the test items of water treatment chemicals shall be as specified in attached Table 10;
4. Fees for tests for certification of membrane modules for waterworks among materials or products for waterworks shall be as specified in attached Table 10.
(2) Where an application for test is cancelled and the cancellation thereof is not attributable to the relevant applicant, fees already paid may be refunded.

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CHAPTER VI MANAGEMENT Article 43 (Subsidization of Construction Costs) (1) With respect to the cost of construction under Article 40 (4) of the Ordinance, the replacement or renewal of worn-out indoor water pipelines shall be subsidized at not more than 80 percent of the total construction cost within budgetary limits. In such cases, the maximum amount of subsidies shall be as follows: <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015; Jan. 16, 2020>
1. Detached houses: 1.5 million won;
2. Multi-unit house: 5 million won (Provided, That in cases of two households, up to 2 million won per household; and in cases of at least three households, up to 600 thousand won per household which exceeds two households shall be additionally subsidized);
3. Multi-family housing: 1.4 million won per household.
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), the director of the water supply office may fully subsidize construction costs in any of the following cases: <Amended on Oct. 17, 2013; Oct. 10, 2019>
1. Houses owned by recipients of assistances under subparagraph 2 of Article 2 of the National Basic Living Security Act;
2. Houses owned by persons in the second-lowest income bracket under subparagraph 10 of Article 2 of the National Basic Living Security Act;
3. Social welfare facilities under Article 40 (4) 1 of the Ordinance;
4. Elementary, middle and high schools;
5. Other purposes deemed necessary by the Mayor.
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), in cases of buildings approved for projects due to redevelopment, reconstruction, remodeling, etc., such buildings shall be ineligible for the subsidization of construction costs.
(4) The order of priority in subsidizing construction costs shall be as follows: Provided, That the same shall not apply where the Mayor deems it necessary for the public interest:
1. Paragraph (2) 1 and 2;
2. Multi-family housing with an exclusive use area of less than 60 square meters per household, a multi-unit house with an average area of less than 60 square meters per household, and a detached house with a total floor area of less than 100 square meters;
3. Except as otherwise provided in subparagraphs 1 and 2, the order of receipt shall apply to the order of priority in subsidizing.
(5) Multi-unit houses under Article 40 (4) 2 of the Ordinance shall be subsidized based on actual status of use; shall meet the requirements for multi-unit houses under attached Table 1 of the Enforcement Decree of the Building Act; and shall have an independent bedroom, kitchen and entrance for each household. <Amended on Jan. 16, 2020>

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Article 44 (Duty of Water Consumers) (1) A water consumer shall report to the director of the relevant water supply office in any of the following cases pursuant to Article 41 (1) of the Ordinance: <Amended on Jan. 16, 2020>
1. When he or she intends to begin to use or suspend a water supply system: 3 days in advance;
2. When there is a problem in water supply, such as the destruction or leakage of a water supply system: Immediately;
3. When he or she intends to change the purpose of the water supply: 3 days in advance;
4. When he or she intends to use the water supply for private firefighting: 3 days in advance;
5. When there is a change in the number of households using a water supply: Immediately;
6. When a water consumer has been changed due to the sale or rent of the building, etc.: Immediately;
7. When a new owner requests the separation of water rates: 10 days before the date of acquisition.

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Article 45 (Management Ledger of Water Supply Systems) (1) The director of the water supply office shall manage a management ledger of water supply system using attached Form 45 as a unit of an administrative Dong (hereinafter referred to as "Dong").
(2) The management ledger of a water supply system under paragraph (1) shall include matters concerning the number of water supply system, location, the owner, diameter, the registration number of water meters, seal number, etc. and necessary matters, such as details concerning the replacement of water meters.

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Article 46 (Transfer of Title of Water Supply Systems) (1) The transfer of title of a water consumer shall be processed by entering the title of the water consumer in the computer system by receiving a report of transfer of title using attached Form 46.
(2) Where a water consumer fails to apply for the transfer of title, the director of the water supply office may transfer the title of the water consumer ex officio when he or she becomes aware of such transfer.
(3) Where the title of the water consumer is transfered, the director of the water supply office shall confirm and record the transfer of title in the management ledger of the water supply system, the management card for past due, etc. and shall inspect and collect the amount in arrears, etc. of the former water consumer or take necessary measures, such as seizure of property, immediately.

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Article 47 (Customer Numbers for Water Supply Systems) (1) When a new water supply system is installed, the director of the water supply office shall register a customer number for a water supply system in the register of a new water supply system using attached Form 47 and the management ledger of water supply system for each building; and the registration number of the management ledger of a water supply system for each building shall be the customer number for the relevant water supply system. <Amended on Aug. 25, 2011>
(2) No customer number for a water supply system assigned shall be changed at will: Provided, That the same shall not apply where management numbers for a water supply system for all buildings are newly allocated or it is deemed necessary to adjust the order of watercourses. <Amended on Aug. 25, 2011>
[Title Amended on Aug. 25, 2011]

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Article 48 (Inspection Zones) (1) Inspection zones shall be determined in numerical order based upon the consumer numbers for each building, and the number of daily inspection shall be determined according to the difficulty of each zone.
(2) The inspection zone and the order of inspection under paragraph (1) shall be determined by the director of the water supply office.
(3) The order of inspection of newly installed water meters shall be determined within one month from the date of commencement of use in the order of the relevant inspection zone.

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Article 49 (Periodic Inspection Date) (1) Inspection of the volume of consumption shall be conducted on a periodic inspection date: Provided, That if it is impossible to conduct an inspection on a periodic inspection date, the inspection shall be conducted within five days before or after the periodic inspection and such inspection shall be deemed to have been conducted on a periodic inspection day. <Amended on Apr. 29, 2010; Oct. 12, 2017>
(2) The periodic inspection date of the first consumer shall be determined by the director of the water supply office and the relevant zone shall be inspected in consecutive order.
(3) With respect to the decision on the first collection imposed based upon a newly installed water meter, and the decision on collection after the suspension of a water supply or the revocation of a suspension of a water supply that is imposed based upon a water meter which has been already installed, the decision on collection shall be made on the periodic inspection date of the relevant water meter.

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Article 50 (Matters to Be Verified for Inspection) When inspecting the volume of consumption, the following matters shall be verified:
1. Verification of the registration number of a water meter;
2. Whether a water meter spins properly;
3. Whether a water meter is sealed properly;
4. Surveys on the status of consumption of water supply;
5. Whether a consumer, etc. has changed;
6. Whether the designated business type under which water is supplied is appropriate;
7. Whether any matters violate the Ordinance.

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Article 51 (Report on Services) (1) Where a person entrusted with the inspection finds any violation of the Ordinance, such as abnormality of a water meter, a sharp increase or decrease in consumption, indoor water leakage of a consumer, or an illegal water supply, he or she shall submit a written report on services using attached Form 48 to the director of the water supply office.
(2) When a written report on services under paragraph (1) is submitted, such report shall be registered in the register of a receipt of a written report on services using attached Form 49 and a person in charge of handling the written report on services shall be designated.

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Article 52 (Examination) (1) Where a person entrusted with the inspection completes inspection of the volume of consumption, he or she shall prepare a report on inspection results using attached Form 50 and submit it to the director of the water supply office.
(2) The director of the water supply office shall examine the validity, etc. of the inspection details with respect to the inspection data electronically entered within two days from the inspection date.
(3) Where the details of inspection are inappropriate as a result of the inspection under paragraph (2), the director of water office shall prepare a detailed statement of the examination and measures using attached Form 51 and have a person entrusted with the inspection conduct a reinspection; where he or she conducts a reinspection, the decision on collection shall be made according to the details of the reinspection.
(4) Upon completion of an examination, the director of the water supply officeusing attached shall prepare a detailed statement of the results of examination Form 52 for each area.

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Article 53 (Replacement of Water Meters) (1) Where a public official of related to a division requesting replacement intends to replace a water meter because a water meter has stopped spinning or is spinning improperly, or verification examination thereof, he or she shall submit a statement of replacement of a water meter using attached Form 53.
(2) When a statement of replacement is submitted, matters concerning the request for replacement shall be entered in the register of requests for replacement and results of replacement of a water meter using attached Form 54; the statement of replacement for a water meter with a diameter of 50 millimeters or less in diameter shall be sent to a public official related to a division in charge of replacement and the statement of replacement for a water meter with a diameter exceeding 50 millimeters shall be sent to the director of waterworks material management center within eight business hours.
(3) A public official related to a division in charge of replacement or the director of waterworks material management center who has received the statement of replacement shall immediately register such statement in the register of replacement of a water meter in the attached Form 55 and complete the replacement of a water meter within five days from the date of receipt; a water consumer shall be given notice via attached Form 56 including the reasons for replacement, the reading from the existing water meter that is being removing, and reading of the newly installed water meter, etc.
(4) Where it is impracticable to replace a water meter due to difficulties in replacing the relevant water meter, such as worn-out water pipeline, narrow water meter room, etc., a public official related to a division in charge of replacement shall request that a division requesting replacement and a division in charge of construction improve the water meter by stating the grounds therefor immediately.
(5) The director of waterworks material management center shall register the details of replacement in the register of replacement of a water meter and return such details to the relevant water supply office; and a public official related to a division in charge of replacement of water supply office shall record and process electronically the details of replacement in the register of replacement of a water meter that is returned, and return them to the division requesting replacement.
(6) A public official related to the division requesting replacement shall record the register of requests for replacement and results of replacement of a water meter immediately after returning the statement of replacement, and shall settle water rates.
(7) Where the registration number of a water meter or meter reading is different or where there is any problem with the seal, etc. of a water meter, a public official related to a division in charge of replacement shall request that public official related to the division requesting replacement examine the cause and handle it.

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Article 54 (Replacement Costs of Water Meters) (1) Where any water meter is damaged or lost by a water consumer due to improper management, the director of water supply office shall collect from the relevant water consumer the aggregate of the price of water meter, replacement costs, and the costs for sealing the water meter with aluminium pursuant to Article 42 (2) of the Ordinance.
(2) Natural disasters prescribed in the main clause of Article 42 (2) of the Ordinance means disasters caused by natural phenomena under subparagraph 1 (a) of Article 3 of the Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety. <Amended on Oct. 17, 2013; Jan. 16, 2020>
(3) The director of water supply office shall confirm whether a disaster falls under a natural disaster or freeze under Article 42 (2) of the Ordinance with reference to any of the following documents: <Amended on Oct. 17, 2013; Jan. 16, 2020>
1. In case of freeze, a report on freeze or a written report on services at the time of inspection;
2. In case of natural disaster, records of Gu offices or relevant agencies;
3. A written application using attached Form 57 submitted by a water consumer.

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Article 55 (Management of Consumer Supplied by Large Quantity of Water in Large Quantity) (1) The director of water supply office shall designate and manage consumers supplied by large quantity of water that uses an average of at least 300 cubic meters a month as a place supplied by water in large quantity: Provided, That a consumer designated by the director of water supply office among consumers for domestic use or public use may be excluded from such place. <Amended on Feb. 23, 2012>
(2) The director of water supply office shall prepare and manage a list of consumers supplied by large quantity of water in large quantity in the analysis table of consumption for a place supplied by water in large quantity using attached Form 58 (hereinafter referred to as "analysis table") every January.
(3) The director of water supply office shall review the prepared analysis table, select a subject to inspect, enter the selected subject to inspect in the attached Form 59, and order inspection by relevant public officials.
(4) Relevant public officials shall inspect and analyze a subject to inspect pursuant to attached Form 59-2 and report the subject to inspect to the director of water supply office. <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
(5) The director of water supply office shall frequently confirm and inspect the results of analysis and process and take the necessary measures to address abnormal water supply systems.

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Article 56 (Suspension of Water Supply) (1) Where the Mayor intends to suspend water supply pursuant to Article 43 of the Ordinance, he or she shall provide advance notice to a water consumer of the intent to suspend water supply in accordance with a written pre-announcement of suspension of water supply using attached Form 60 or using attached Form 60 (2), if no correction has been made within the following period: <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
1. Where a person falls under Article 43 (1) 2 through 5 and 9 of the Ordinance: Immediately;
2. Where a person falls under Article 43 (1) 7 of the Ordinance: Three days;
3. Where a person falls under Article 43 (1) 1, 6, or 8 of the Ordinance: Seven days (Provided, That the required period shall be added, if construction is accompanied).
(2) Where a water consumer fails to fulfill his or her obligations by the designated deadline after having received a pre-announcement under paragraph (1), the Mayor shall issue a written order to suspend water supply using attached Form 61 or 61 (2) and suspend water supply within two days from the issuance date, and shall prepare a report on suspension of water supply (cancellation thereof) using attached Form 62 or 62 (2). <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
(3) Notwithstanding paragraphs (1) and (2), if it is deemed that it is difficult to pay water rates, etc. due to a change in the person liable to pay water supply, etc., the Mayor may suspend water supply immediately.
(4) When the Mayor suspends water supply under Article 43 (2) of the Ordinance, he or she shall notify a division in charge of social welfare in accordance with the guideline on water supply for domestic use subject to suspend using attached Form 63 or attached Form 63 (2). <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
(5) In cases of a water meter for domestic use, the Mayor may postpone the suspension of water supply during a period of cold weather or a period of hot weather:
1. Period of hot weather: From July to September;
2. Period of cold weather: From December to February of the following year.
(6) The minimum rate of water supply systems for which water supply has been suspended shall be charged collectively during the first payment term after the water supply is re-supplied. <Newly Inserted on Aug. 25, 2011>

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Article 57 (Management of Water Supply Systems for Which Water Supply has been Discontinued or Suspended) (1) The Assistant Mayor or the director of water supply office shall register water supply systems for which water supply has been discontinued or suspended in the register of the discontinuation or suspension of water supply using attached Form 64 or 64 (2). <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
(2) When the cause for the continuation or suspension of water supply ceases to exist, such discontinuation or suspension of water supply shall be cancelled immediately, if an application for cancellation is filed.
(3) A person entrusted with inspection shall check water supply systems for which water supply has been discontinued or suspended on the periodic inspection date. Where water supply systems for which water supply has been suspended is used without authorization, the use of such water supply system shall be treated pursuant to Article 44 of the Ordinance.
(4) A person entrusted with inspection shall check the volume of consumption of water supply systems for which water supply has been discontinued or suspended on the periodic inspection date and at the time of cancellation of discontinuation of water supply thereof; and the director of water supply office shall impose water rates pursuant to Article 23 of the Ordinance, if a water consumer uses the water supply systems for which water supply has been discontinued.
(5) An application for the cancellation of the discontinuation of water supply under paragraph (2) may be filed in writing or orally pursuant to attached Form 13; an application for the cancellation of the suspension of water supply may be filed in writing or orally pursuant to attached Form 65 or attached Form 65 (2). <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>

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Article 58 (Handling of Violators of the Ordinance) (1) Where a person entrusted with inspection finds a violation of the Ordinance, such as illegal water supply, when inspecting the volume of water supply, he or she shall submit a written report on services to the director of water supply office by stating the personal information of the violator, details of the violation, etc.
(2) With respect to a violation of the Ordinance, the director of water supply office shall record the details of the violation in the register of violations of the Ordinance using attached Form 67, and with respect to an unauthorized water supply system, he or she shall take necessary measures, such as removing the water supply system pursuant to Article 15 of the Ordinance.
(3) Where a violation of the Ordinance is related to illegal water supply works, a written inspection of illegal water supply works using attached Form 66 shall be prepared. In such cases, evidence of the illegal water supply works shall be secured including but not limited to receiving a written self-acknowledgment of the constructor and photographing the place, facilities, etc.

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Article 59 (Criteria for Imposing Dispositions of Administrative Fines and Reduction and Exemption thereof) (1) The standards applicable to the table of criteria for imposing disposition of administrative fines in attached Table 4 of the Ordinance shall be as follows:
1. The volume of consumption in which no water meter is available (including disturbing or damaging a water meter) and the volume of commingled consumption shall be calculated in accordance with Article 21 (5): Provided, That where such calculation is disadvantageous in the calculation of the volume of commingled consumption, it may be calculated by management inspection, etc. for at least 10 days after the separation of the commingled water pipes;
2. Where a person (owner or user) who is subject to the installation of an exclusive water supply system supplies water by linking his or her water supply facilities to the water supply system by fraud or other improper means, charges imposed on causers shall be governed by attached Table 1 of the Ordinance on Collection of Charges Imposed on Causers; <Amended on Sep. 30, 2010>
3. Where water for private firefighting systems is consumed without permission, item (b) shall apply if a water meter is installed, and the higher amount between item (a) and (b) shall apply if no water meter exists.
(2) Where the administrative fine is voluntarily paid within the deadline for presenting opinions after the prior notice of disposition of the administrative fine is given, the administrative fine shall be reduced by 20/100.

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Article 60 (Filing Criminal Complaints against Person Stealing Water from Water Supply System) The director of water supply office shall file a criminal complaint pursuant to Article 44 (3) of the Ordinance against a person who steals water from a water supply system, such as a water pipeline and water pipes, without conveying water through a water meter.

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Article 61 (Prior Notice of Disposition and Presentation of Opinions) (1) The director of water supply office shall give prior notice of the details of a disposition under Article 16 (1) of the Act on the Regulation of Violations of Public Order in accordance with attached Form 68 to the person subject to the disposition of an administrative fine, and shall provide the person with an opportunity to present his or her opinion within a specified period of at least 10 days.
(2) The presentation of an opinion under paragraph (1) may be made in writing (including electronic documents) or orally in accordance with attached Form 69 within the deadline, and evidential materials, etc. to evidence the opinion may be accompanied.
(3) Where the opinion is presented orally pursuant to paragraph (2), the director of water supply office shall record the person who stated the opinion along with a summary of the opinion in accordance with attached Form 70.
(4) Where any person subject to the disposition of an administrative fine under paragraph (1) is liable for joint payment as follows, the Mayor shall notify all persons liable for joint payment of such fact individually:
1. All water consumers, if a violator is unknown because at least two households have jointly used a water supply system;
2. All co-owners, if a violator among co-owners is unknown (including partnership ownership and collective ownership);
3. The owner of the land or building to which a water-supply system belongs, if a violator is unknown due to frequent changes in right to lease on a deposit basis or relationship of lease, or such change has continued.

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Article 62 (Management of Water Supply Systems Violating Municipal Ordinances) The director of water supply office shall prepare a management card using attached Form 71 after taking a disposition based on violation of municipal ordinances and shall manage such card until the cause for management is eliminated.

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Article 63 (Granting of Monetary Awards) (1) A person eligible to be granted a monetary award under Article 45 (1) of the Ordinance shall be the person who first reports such fact to the competent water supply office. <Amended on Jun. 3, 2021>
(2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), any of the following persons shall be excluded from being granted a monetary award for reporting a water leakage:
1. Where a public official belonging to the Seoul Waterworks Authority or any of its water supply offices, or a person performing construction works or service ordered by the Government, local governments, or their investment institutions report a water leakage discovered in the course of performing his or her duties;
2. Where a water leakage in the water pipes within the building site of a water consumer and a water leakage occurred in various construction site is reported.
(3) The amount of a monetary award under Article 45 (1) of the Ordinance shall be as follows: <Amended on Oct. 10, 2019; Jun. 3, 2021>
1. Where a person detects or gives information as to an illegal water supply leading to the imposition of an administrative fine: Criteria prescribed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on the Payment of Monetary Awards for Collection of Tax Revenue;
2. A monetary award for reporting a water leakage shall be granted where a water leakage is confirmed and repaired: Goods of 30,000 won (transportation cards, cash cards, etc.) shall be granted by registered mail or in mobile vouchers;
3. Other cases prescribed by the Mayor.
(4) A monetary award based on an illegal water supply shall be granted after the fine for the relevant case is paid or the final decision is made by a trial.
(5) Notwithstanding paragraph (2) 1, where a public official who engages in waterworks business of the Seoul Metropolitan Government falls under any of the following, the Mayor may grant a monetary award not exceeding 300,000 won: <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
1. Where a person who discovers a large amount of water leaking from pipeline with a diameter of at least 80 millimeters and has greatly contributed to improving the revenue water ratio;
2. Where a person who discovers a water leakage other than that under subparagraph 1 and the Assistant Mayor recognizes his or her meritorious service which has contributed to improve revenue water ratio.

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Article 64 (Objections) (1) An objection shall be deemed as an objection, regardless of its title, if it concerns a matter subject to re-examination for cancellation or change of administrative disposition.
(2) Where an objection is filed, a formal examination shall be undertaken as to a summary of the objection, the grounds thereof, the address and name of the person who files the objection, etc.
(3) If the examination under paragraph (2) reveals any defect in the objection, a notice shall be given to the applicant with the deadline for correction thereof in attached Form 72 so that it can be corrected: Provided, That when no correction is made within the deadline for correction, an objection shall be deemed withdrawn.
(4) An objection filed that satisfies requirements shall be investigated within a fixed period via a survey on matters of an objection, and the matters of an objection shall be determined as the result of inspection, and a written decision thereon shall be sent to the person who has raised the objection.
(5) When water rates have been corrected based on a decision upholding an objection, the amount reduced and the grounds therefor shall be indicated in the written resolution on revenue or the management card for past due.
(6) Where a re-objection is filed against the ruling on an adjudicated objection, a decision of rejection shall be made. The same shall also apply to an objection filed after the end of the period for filing an objection.

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Article 65 (Entrusted Affairs) (1) Affairs that the Mayor may entrust under Article 47 (3) of the Ordinance shall be as follows:
1. Affairs related to the inspection of water meters and the imposition of water rates;
2. Affairs related to the delivery of regular or occasional notices or reminders;
3. Affairs related to the collection of water rates;
4. Delivery of various notices, such as a written pre-announcements regarding the suspension of water supply or a notice on preventing frozen and burst pipes;
5. Suspension of water supply systems or cancellation thereof as requested by the director of water supply office;
6. Affairs related to the replacement of water meters;
7. Affairs related to the maintenance and management of water treatment plants.
(2) A person entrusted with affairs shall conscientiously conduct his or her duties in accordance with the contract as a good manager during the period of entrustment.

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Article 66 (Entrustment of Inspection) (1) A person entrusted with inspection shall inspect a water meter on the periodic inspection date, and send the inspection results to the director of water supply office.
(2) When conducting an inspection, the person entrusted with inspection shall confirm meter reading of a water meter, matters to be confirmed as at the time of inspection under Article 50, changed title of consumers, telephone number, etc. and send the details thereof to the director of water supply office.
(3) The director of water supply office shall calculate and pay entrustment fee by examining the number of affairs processed by the person entrusted with affairs on a monthly basis: Provided, That where the managing entity of a multi-family residential building is entrusted with affairs, the entrustment fee shall be determined by the Mayor based on the inspection expenses actually incurred.

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Article 67 (Entrustment of Replacement of Water Meters) (1) A person entrusted with replacement of water meters shall replace the relevant water meter within a prescribed period according to the work instructions of the director of water supply office and submit a report on the results of replacement using attached Form 73.
(2) Where it is impracticable to replace water meters ordered to replace due to difficulties, etc., the person entrusted with affairs shall state the grounds therefor in the report on results of replacement.
(3) The director of water supply office shall check whether the replacement performed by the person entrusted with affairs has complied with the related regulations and shall pay the cost.

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Article 68 (Monthly Reports) (1) The director of water supply office shall report the following matters to the Assistant Mayor on a monthly basis: <Amended on Jan. 29, 2015>
1. A comprehensive table for decisions on collection organized by business type pursuant to attached Form 74;
2. A collection report on the special account for waterworks business using attached Form 75;
3. A collection statement of the current year using attached Form 76;
4. A disposition report on the violation of Ordinance on Water Supply and Waterworks Installation using attached Form 77;
5. A status report on the water supply systems using attached Form 78;
(2) Matters under paragraph (1) 1 through 3 shall be submitted by the 25th day of the following month, and those under subparagraphs 4 and 5 by the 8th day of the following month.

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Scope of Planning of Water Supply Works (pursuant to Article 4 (1))

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Table of Pipe Diameter Equalization (pursuant to Article 14)

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Table of Quantity of Water Discharged per Diameter of Inlet Water Pipe (pursuant to Article 14)

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Quantity of Water Consumed per Unit of Building Floor Area (pursuant to Article 14)

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Range of User’s Tolerance of Type-Approved Water Meter (pursuant to Article 21 (3))

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Daily Water Supply Hours by Type of Business (pursuant to Article 21 (5))

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Standards of Water Quality, Testing Cycle, and Matters Subject to Testing of Monitoring Items of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (pursuant to Article 40)

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Testing Methods for Monitoring Items of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (pursuant to Article 40)

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Fees for Water Quality Test of Monitoring Items of the Seoul Metropolitan Government (pursuant to Article 42 (1) 2)

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Fees for Test Items of Water Treatment Chemicals (pursuant to Article 42 (1) 3)

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Fees for Test for Certification of Membrane Modules for Waterworks (pursuant to Article 42 (1) 4)

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Application for Water Supply Works

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Written Consent to Use Land (or Building)

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Register of Notice of Approval for Works and Request to Pay Cost of Works

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Letter of Recommendation for Manager of Common Water Supply Systems

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Certificate of Designation of Manager of Common Water Supply Systems

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Notice of Completion of Installation of Water Supply Systems

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Report on Direct Water Supply

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Certificate of Report on Direct Water Supply

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Notice of Rejection of Report on Direct Water Supply

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Application for Drill of Private Firefighting Water Supply Systems

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Application for Verification Test of Water Meter

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Register of Water Meter Verification Requests and Verification Results

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Application (or Cancellation of Application) to Discontinue Water Supply

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Application for Disconnection of Water Supply System

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Resolution on Revenue (concerning Decision on Collection or Reduction

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Ledger of Decision on Collection of Revenue

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Report on Change of Type of Business Provided with Water Supply

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Processing Record on Change of Type of Business Provided with Water Supply

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Letter of Commission

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Water Rates Adjustment Deliberation

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Report on Division by Households (Initial or Changed)

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Report on Division by Households

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Report on Division by Households (Dormitory or Social Welfare Accommodation Facility)

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Report on Division by Households for Off-Campus Residential Facility

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Report on Apportionment of Water Rates between Former and New Owners(Users)

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Report on Reduction or Exemption or Termination Thereof for Eligible Recipients of National Basic Living Assistance

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Application for Reduction of or Exemption from Water Rates Based on Water Leakage from Water Supply or Sewage

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Application for Electronic Notice (E-Mail, Mobile Phone, etc.) or for Modification or Termination Thereof

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Notification of Default in Payment of Water and Sewage Rates

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Past Due Management Card

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Ledger for Management of Remaining Defaults in Payment ofafter Changes in Ownership

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Management Ledger of Security Deposit for Temporary Water Supply

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Daily Table of Receipt

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Table for Revenue Collection

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Register of Overpayment or Erroneous Payment

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Written Resolution on Overpayment or Erroneous Payment

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Written Resolution concerning Appropriation or Refund of Overpayment or Erroneous Payment

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Written Notice of (Refund or Appropriation of) Overpayment or Erroneous payment

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Order to Refund Overpayment or Erroneous Payment

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Request for Refund of Overpayment or Erroneous Payment

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Application for Inspection of Quality of Drinking Water, Water Treatment Chemicals, or Materials or Products for Water Supply Systems

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Application for Water Quality Inspection

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Test Result Report on Water Treatment Chemicals

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Test Result Report on Monitoring Items by Seoul Metropolitan Government

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Test result report on materials and products for water supply systems

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Application for Re-issuance of Test Result Report

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Water Supply System Customer Ledger

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Report of Change of Ownership (Name of User)

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Register of New Water Supply System

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Report on Services

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Register of Receipt of Written Report on Services

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Report on Inspection Results

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Detailed Statement of Examination and Measures Taken

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Detailed Statement of Results of Examination

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Statement of Replacement of Water Meters

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Register of Requests for Replacement and Results of Replacement of Water Meters

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Register of Replacement of Water Meter

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Notice of Replacement of Water Meter

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Application for Exemption of Water Meter Costs and Installation Expenses

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Analysis Table of the Volume of Water Consumed by Consumers Supplied with Large Quantities of Water

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Analysis of Data from On-Site Inspections Conducted for Consumers Supplied with Large Quantities of Water App rov ed by

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Inspection Report on Consumers Supplied with Large Volume of Water

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Preliminary Notice of Suspension of Water Supply

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Order to Suspend Water Supply

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Report on Suspension of Water Supply (or Cancellation of Suspension)

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Notice on Domestic Water Use Subject to Suspension

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Register of Discontinuation or Suspension of Water Supply

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Application for Cancellation of Suspension of Water Supply

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Investigation of Illegal Water Supply Works

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Records on Violations of the Ordinance

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Prior Notice of Disposition Imposing Administrative Fine

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Statement of Opinion

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Written Record of Oral Opinion

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Management Card on Violator of the Ordinance

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Request for Supplementation or Correction

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Report on Replacement of Water Meters

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Comprehensive Table for Decisions on Collection Organized by Business Type

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____ (year) Collection Report on the Special Account for Waterworks Business

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Collection Statement of the Current Year (mm/yyyy)

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_______(Month) Disposition Report on Violations of the Ordinance on Water Supply and Waterworks Installation处分报告书 210㎜×297㎜

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Status Report on Water Supply Systems

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