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Enactment No. 8578, Dec. 30, 2022

Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance is to contribute to securing the safety of citizens by prescribing measures to prevent accidents and manage safety at large gatherings in Seoul.

Article 2 (Definitions) The terms used in this Ordinance are defined as follows:
1. The term "large gatherings" refers to a case in which an unspecified number of people voluntarily gather in a specific place without a host or supervisor.
2. The term "safety management" refers to all actions to protect the life, body, and property of citizens from various accidents that may occur due to large gatherings.

Article 3 (Relationship with Other Decrees or Ordinances) Unless there are special provisions in other decrees or ordinances regarding the safety management of large gatherings, this Ordinance shall be followed.

Article 4 (Duties of Mayor and Civic Duties) (1) The Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor") shall endeavor to prevent various accidents and minimize damage in the event of occurrence through safety management of large gatherings held in Seoul Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as the "city").
(2) Citizens shall actively cooperate when the city implements safety management of large gatherings under paragraph 1 and shall make efforts to prevent various accidents by themselves when participating in large gatherings.

Article 5 (Safety Management Plan for Large Gatherings) (1) If large gatherings falling under any of the following subparagraphs are expected, the Mayor shall establish a safety management plan for the large gatherings (hereinafter referred to as "safety management plan") in advance with safety management-related institutions such as the Commissioner of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency (hereinafter referred to as the "commissioner of the city police agency") and the head of an autonomous district.:
1. Events where the estimated number of attendees per day is more than 50,000 and the venue and details of the event are expected to change regularly;
2. Events with more than 100,000 expected attendees per day;
3. Events in each of the following items with more than 100,000 expected attendees per day at each location:
a. Events where the event venue is connected to two or more autonomous districts;
b. Events with the same content held simultaneously in two or more autonomous districts.
(2) The safety management plan under paragraph 1 shall include the following:
1. Details of the event (date, time, place, maximum instantaneous number of people or capacity, etc.);
2. Safety management measures for large gatherings area and surrounding risk factors;
3. A plan to secure and deploy safety management personnel;
4. An action plan to be followed in case of an emergency and contact information of the responsible institution and person in charge;
5. Emergency transportation plan (mobilization and control of subway and bus);
6. Parking control plan that takes into account the number of parking lots and the number of cars expected to be parked;
7. General conditions such as transportation and communication for the establishment and operation of the command center;
8. Methods for predicting and detecting multiple crowds in major passageways such as large gatherings and access routes;
9. Other matters necessary for safety management of large gatherings.
(3) For the smooth implementation of the safety management plan, the Mayor shall go through a deliberation in advance by the Safety Policy Practice Coordination Committee established and operated in accordance with Article 10 of the Seoul Metropolitan Government Framework Ordinance on the Management of Disasters and Safety.
(4) The Mayor may request the head of an autonomous district to submit a safety management plan in order to maintain a smooth cooperative system when the head of an autonomous district establishes a safety management plan in accordance with relevant laws and regulations or as necessary.
(5) The Mayor may review the safety management plan submitted under paragraph 4 in accordance with the procedure set by the Mayor and, if it is determined that adjustment or supplementation is necessary, the Mayor may notify the head of the autonomous district and recommend adjustment or supplementation.

Article 6 (Measures) (1) The Mayor shall notify the commissioner of the city police agency if it is necessary to restrict the passage of people or vehicles or if there is a concern that traffic will be hindered due to large gatherings.
(2) The Mayor may request support for safety management from the commissioner of the city police agency for safety management of large gatherings.
(3) The Mayor may request the urban railway operator under the Urban Railroad Act to take necessary measures, such as non-stop passage, if necessary to prevent accidents and disasters due to large gatherings.

Article 7 (On-site Response) During large gatherings, the Mayor may request the commissioner of the city police agency to establish a command headquarters at a strategically located police station or on site so that activities such as guidance, calling, prompting, and warnings can be carried out using equipment such as loudspeakers.

Article 8 (Prohibition and Restriction of Passage) (1) The Mayor may request the commissioner of the city police agency to prohibit or restrict the passage of pedestrians, vehicles, etc. by designating a specific time, area, method, etc. during large gatherings in consideration of the criteria such as the methods of calculating crowd density, space capacity, and crowd movement time according to the attached Table.
(2) The Mayor shall cooperate when the commissioner of the city police agency takes measures to prohibit and restrict traffic under paragraph 1.

Article 9 (Response in Case of Accident) (1) The Mayor shall establish an emergency management agency in accordance with the Framework Act on the Management of Disasters and Safety and Seoul Metropolitan Government Framework Ordinance on the Management of Disasters and Safety to oversee and coordinate matters related to the handling of accidents and disasters caused by large gatherings.
(2) The Head of Emergency Rescue Control Group shall conduct emergency rescue activities in the event of an accident or disaster caused by large gatherings in accordance with Seoul Metropolitan Government Framework Ordinance on the Management of Disasters and Safety.

Article 10 (Enforcement Rule) Measures to enforce this Ordinance shall be prescribed by rule of the Seoul Government.

ADDENDUM <Ordinance No. 8578, Dec. 30, 2022>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

Crowd density calculation method