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CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance shall be to contribute to the formation of a bond of sympathy between the city administration and citizens by stipulating matters necessary to invigorate communication with citizens and the development of city administration by having citizens participate therein.

Article 2 (Definitions) The terms used in this Ordinance are defined as follows:
1. The term "citizen" refers to a person who falls under any of the following items:
A. A person who has an address or a residence in Seoul Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as the "City");
B. A person who resides in the City for 90 days or more; or
C. A person who works in a place of business located in the City.
2. The term "communication with citizens" refers to the following: the City providing information on its policy; collecting citizens' opinion thereon; forming a bond of sympathy regarding the policy through diverse citizen participation therein; and improving their understanding thereof;
3. The term "citizen participation" refers to a series of activities to share, with the City, citizens' opinion, experience, information, etc. regarding information provided by the City;
4. The term "administration information" refers to the following:
A. Matters concerning public relation of administration;
B. Matters concerning information necessary for citizens' daily lives, such as environment, medical service, transportation, tax, etc. and matters concerning the improvement of citizens' living convenience, such as education, culture, arts, sports, health, region, etc.;
C. Matters concerning presentation of opinions and participation in administration activity by citizens; or
D. Other matters that the Mayor recognizes as necessary to reinvigorate communication with citizens.
5. The term "communication media" refers to all online and offline means through which citizens can receive information provided by the City and give their opinion thereon to the City;
6. The term "social media" refers to social network services (SNS), such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. that the City operates officially and online and mobile media and platforms, such as websites, blogs, YouTube, etc.

Article 3 (Scope) This Ordinance shall apply to citizens as well as departments and public officials that are in charge of communication with citizens, unless otherwise stipulated by other statutes or ordinances.

CHAPTER II RIGHTS AND DUTIES Article 4 (Duties of the Mayor) (1) The Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor") shall endeavor to provide citizens with information and the opportunity to communicate with the City and support the same in a systematic way in order to satisfy Citizens' right to know and reinvigorate communication with citizens.
(2) The Mayor shall endeavor to realize citizens' participation in the city administration by reflecting citizens' opinion in formulating policies.

Article 5 (Citizens' Rights and Responsibilities) (1) Citizens shall be guaranteed to have the right to obtain information by steps, such as formulation, enforcement, evaluation, feedback, etc. of main policies for the reinvigoration of communication and to be heard about its opinion thereon.
(2) Citizens who participate in communication with the City shall endeavor to help the City be able to reinvigorate communication with its citizens by complying with this Ordinance and the City's relevant guidelines.

CHAPTER III OPERATION AND SUPPORT FOR PROJECTS THAT REINVIGORATE COMMUNICATION WITH CITIZENS Article 6 (Details of Projects and Operation Thereof) (1) The Mayor may implement the following projects to reinvigorate communication with citizens:
1. Operation of projects and programs related to the collection of opinions from citizens by providing administration information through various communication media, evaluation of communication, public opinion poll, etc.;
2. Diffusion of information provision through the following: projects that reinvigorate communication with citizens using social media; production and use of related contents; events through cooperative marketing with the private sector; participation programs, such as events, etc.;
3. Matters concerning the diffusion and marketing of urban brands of Seoul and domestic and foreign public relations using the same; and
4. Matters concerning the civil complaint administration service, such as integrated civil complaint handling, such as operation of the civil complaint office, quality control, etc. thereof.
(2) The Mayor shall continue to endeavor to collect citizens' opinions and use external consultation in order to reinvigorate communication with citizens.

Article 7 (Support for Operation, such as Reinvigoration of Citizens' Participation in Communication) (1) The Mayor may operate the following citizen participation events using online and offline communication media to promote the administration and have citizens participate in the administration:
1. Where the Mayor intends to collect public opinions on major policy and evaluate communication of the major policy;
2. Where the Mayor intends to promote major policy projects, plans, etc.;
3. Where the Mayor intends to promote and commemorate the holding of cultural events;
4. Where the Mayor intends to support citizens' communication activities through Internet, social media, etc.; and
5. Where the Mayor intends to promote administration or reinvigorate citizens' participation in communication.
(2) Where an event under paragraph (1) above is held or operated to reinvigorate communication with citizens, the City may provide, within a budgetary limit, citizens participating therein with operation expenses or mileage in light of the number of participations, contribution to the reinvigoration of communication or gifts, such as souvenirs, gift cards, etc. through lottery or screening.
(3) The Mayor shall publicly announce in advance the type, amount, etc. of souvenirs, gift cards, etc. to be provided under paragraph (2) above and matters necessary to operate events through relevant communication media, websites, etc.

Article 8 (Citations, etc.) (1) Citations may be granted to individuals and organizations that contribute to the development of the administration or the reinvigoration of communication with citizens through communication evaluation, public opinion poll, communication media, such as social media, etc.
(2) The procedures for citations under paragraph (1) above shall be governed by the Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Citations.

Article 9 (Enforcement Rules) As to communication with citizens and their participation in administration, a competent department may formulate and operate separate rules for matters not stipulated by this Ordinance in accordance with the purpose and intent of citizens' communication system.

Addenda <Ordinance No. 7442, Jan. 9, 2020>
This Ordinance shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.