Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Ordinance is to promote women's startups and economic activities and to contribute to regional economic development by actively supporting the activities of female-owned businesses in accordance with the Act on Support for Female-Owned Businesses.
Article 2 (Definitions)
The terms used in this Ordinance are defined as follows: <Amended on Mar. 27, 2023>
1. The term "female-owned business" refers to a company under Article 2 (1) of the Act on Support for Female-Owned Businesses (hereinafter referred to as the "Act");
2. The term "female entrepreneur" refers to a person under Article 2 (2) of the Act;
3. The term "public institution" refers to the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as "city") and its administrative agencies, local public corporations established by the city in accordance with the Local Public Enterprises Act, and local government-invested and -funded institutions established and designated and publicly notified in accordance with the Act on the Operation of Local Government-Invested or -Funded Institutions.
Article 3 (Scope of Application)
This ordinance shall apply to female-owned businesses with workplaces or factories located within the jurisdiction of the city.
Article 4 (Duties of the Mayor)
(1) The Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan City (hereinafter referred to as the “Mayor”) shall endeavor to ensure that comprehensive support and business activity opportunities are equally guaranteed in the fields of funds, manpower, information, technology and sales channels in order to promote women's startups and the business activities of female-owned businesses.
(2) The Mayor shall improve laws and systems necessary to vitalize female-owned businesses and comprehensively and effectively implement support and policies to create an ecosystem friendly to female-owned businesses by taking measures such as promoting the preferential purchase of female-owned business products and expanding private contracts.
Article 5 (Correction of Discriminatory Practices)
(1) The Mayor may request the correction of unreasonable discriminatory practices or systems against female-owned businesses by public institutions.
(2) A public institution that is requested to make corrections under paragraph (1) shall make such corrections unless there is a special reason.
Article 6 (Establishment of Comprehensive Plan)
(1) The Mayor shall establish and implement a comprehensive plan (hereinafter referred to as "comprehensive plan") to promote women's startups and the business activities of female-owned businesses every year.
(2) The comprehensive plan under paragraph (1) shall include the following matters:
1. Basic goals and directions for promoting women's startups and business activities of female-owned businesses;
2. Matters concerning support for female-owned businesses in terms of funds, manpower, information, technology, and sales channels;
3. Matters concerning support for women's business startups;
4. Other matters necessary to promote the activities of female-owned businesses and women entrepreneurs.
Article 7 (Fact-Finding Investigation)
(1) The Mayor may conduct a fact-finding investigation if necessary to promote women's startups and business activities of female-owned businesses.
(2) The Mayor may entrust the fact-finding investigation under paragraph (1) to a specialized institution or organization, and in this case, necessary expenses may be subsidized within budgetary limits.
Article 8 (Female-Owned Business Support Committee)
(1) The Mayor may establish a Female-Owned Business Support Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "committee") to deliberate and advise on matters concerning support for female-owned businesses
(2) The Committee may deliberate and advise on the following matters:
1. Establishment, implementation, and evaluation of the comprehensive plan under Article 6;
2. Matters concerning support for female-owned businesses under Article 9;
3. Matters concerning policy proposals and system improvement to create an ecosystem friendly to female-owned businesses;
4. Other matters recognized by the Mayor as necessary for the promotion of women's startups and business activities of female-owned businesses.
(3) The committee shall consist of up to 10 members, including one chairperson and one vice chairperson, and the chairperson and vice chairperson shall be elected from among the members.
(4) Members shall be commissioned and appointed by the Mayor from among those who fall under any of the following subparagraphs. In this case, a specific gender shall not exceed 6/10 of the number of commissioned members. <Amended on Mar. 25, 2021>
1. Those who have expertise in women's startups and female-owned businesses and relevant research experience in academia;
2. Those who are active in organizations related to women's startups and female-owned businesses, such as the Seoul Branch of the Korean Women Entrepreneurs Association;
3. The director of Seoul Female-Owned Business Affairs Department;
4. Members of the Seoul Metropolitan Council;
5. Other persons deemed necessary for the establishment of policies to support female-owned businesses.
(5) The term of office of members shall be two years and they may be reappointed. However, the term of office of a supplementary member shall be the remaining period of the former member.
(6) The Mayor may dismiss a member even during the member's term of office if any of the following causes occur:
1. Members who do not faithfully perform their duties;
2. Members who divulge or abuse secrets learned in the course of their duties;
3. Members who wish to be dismissed for personal reasons such as health;
4. Members who are deemed inappropriate to continue serving as members.
(7) Matters necessary for the operation of the committee other than those stipulated in this Ordinance shall be determined by the chairperson through a committee resolution.
Article 9 (Support for Female-Owned Businesses)
(1) The Mayor may support the following matters to promote women's startups and business activities: <Amended on Mar. 25, 2021, Mar. 27, 2023>
1. Support for the operation of educational programs for women's startups;
2. Resolving the manpower shortage of female-owned businesses, developing new products, providing new technologies and information, and providing support for management guidance;
3. Support for sales promotion, such as product exhibitions of female-owned businesses;
4. Training and guidance for female entrepreneurs on the promotion of smart factory construction and advancement;
5. Training and guidance for female entrepreneurs on strengthening the capacity to produce, distribute, sell products or provide services online;
6. Training and guidance on strengthening digital capabilities of female entrepreneurs and female-owned business workers;
7. Support for cooperation among female entrepreneurs and organizations formed by female entrepreneurs;
8. Promotion of the roles and contributions of female entrepreneurs and support for raising awareness of female entrepreneurs;
9. Support for other matters deemed necessary for female-owned businesses.
(2) In accordance with Article 25 (1) of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Contracts to Which a Local Government Is a Party, the Mayor may make a private contract with a female-owned business for a manufacturing/purchasing contract or service contract whose estimated price exceeds 20 million won and does not exceed 50 million won.
Article 9-2 (Female-Owned Business Week)
The Mayor may hold a commemorative event suitable for the purpose during Female-Owned Business Week under Article 12-3 of the Act in order to enhance the pride of female entrepreneurs and raise social awareness of female-owned businesses.
[This Article Newly Inserted on Mar. 27, 2023]
Article 10 (Preferential Purchase of Female-Owned Business Products)
Heads of public institutions shall make efforts to promote the purchase of products produced and provided by female-owned businesses (applies only to small and medium-sized businesses pursuant to Article 2 of the Framework Act On Small and Medium Enterprises).
Article 11 (Promotion and Guidance for Female-Owned Business)
The Mayor can publicize and provide guidance to autonomous districts and public institutions to expand support for female-owned businesses.
Article 12 (Enforcement Rule)
Matters necessary for enforcing this Ordinance shall be prescribed by rule of the Seoul Government.