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Partial Amendment No. 6311, Jul. 14, 2016 Amendment of Other Laws No. 6386, Jan. 05, 2017

CHAPTER I GENERAL PROVISIONS Article 1 (Purpose) The purpose of this Ordinance is to prescribe matters delegated by the Parking Lot Act, the Enforcement Decree and the Enforcement Rule of the same Act, the Urban Traffic Improvement Promotion Act, and the Enforcement Decree and the Enforcement Rule of the same Act and matters necessary for the implementation thereof.

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Article 2 (Duty to Endeavor to Secure Parking Lots) Any citizen who owns an automobile shall endeavor to secure his/her own garage, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "City") shall endeavor to give administrative and financial support to such endeavor.

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Article 3 (Fact-Finding Surveys of Supply of and Demand for Parking Lots) (1) The head of a Gu shall conduct a fact-finding survey of supply of and demand for parking lots (hereinafter referred to as "fact-finding survey") as follows pursuant to Article 3 of the Parking Lot Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") and Article 1-2 of the Enforcement Rule of the Parking Lot Act (hereinafter referred to as the "Enforcement Rule of the Act"): <Amended by Ordinance No. 5383, Nov. 1, 2012>
1. Object of a fact-finding survey:
(a) The current status of the parking facilities shall be surveyed on parking facilities under the Act and all the spaces where automobiles are parked normally, but illegal spaces shall be excluded from the objects of the fact-finding survey;
(b) Parking demand for motor vehicles under subparagraph 5 of Article 2 of the Parking Lot Act (including two-wheeled motor vehicles and motor bicycles).
2. Period of fact-finding survey: The period when there is a little change in the parking demand during the year shall be selected, but the detailed schedule shall be determined separately by the Mayor of Seoul Metropolitan Government (hereinafter referred to as the "Mayor");
3. The contents of fact-finding survey:
(a) Matters concerning the form, location, size, parking fees, method of management, etc. of a parking lot by types of buildings;
(b) The actual conditions of parking, such as kinds of parked cars, location of parked cars, and the number of parked cars at each hour, turnover ratio of a parking lot, whether cars are parked legally, etc.;
(c) Other matters the Mayor determines necessary.
4. Method of fact-finding survey:
(a) The current status of parking facilities shall be surveyed, categorizing parking facilities according to Form 1 in the Enforcement Rule of the Act;
(b) Parking demand shall be surveyed separately for day, night, legal parking, and illegal parking.
(2) A fact-finding survey pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be made on principle of complete enumeration survey: Provided, That where it is judged that there is no significant change in the parking facilities and parking demand compared with a survey made by the head of a Gu just before the fact-finding survey, he/she shall handle the matter after having checked the relevant public record, etc. or handle it through a sample survey, etc.
(3) A person who makes a fact-finding survey shall carry an identification card of a fact-finding surveyor and produce it to the manager of parking facilities, and the head of each Gu shall inspect the appropriateness of the collected data and keep and manage the collected information with a duty to pay due attention as a good manager.
(4) The Mayor shall separately determine other necessary matters in connection with a fact-finding survey.

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Article 4 (Support to Parking Condition Improvement Zones) (1) The Mayor may recommend the head of a Gu to designate a survey zone under Article 4 of the Act, the parking lot securing percentage of which is less than 70 percent considering a fact-finding survey on supply of and demand for parking lots at night, as a parking condition improvement zone. <Amended on Apr. 22, 2009>
(2) The Mayor may give priority in subsidizing the budget for the relevant projects referred to in the following subparagraphs to a parking condition improvement zone designated by the head of a Gu according to the recommendation pursuant to paragraph (1):
1. Wall demolition projects;
2. Projects for opening of incidental parking lots to general buildings and school grounds at night;
3. Projects for construction of common parking lots in residential areas and underground parking lots in schools or parks;
4. Financing for installation of private parking lots.

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Article 5 (Building Standards, etc. of Parking Buildings) (1) The building-to-land ratio, the ratio of volume, the minimum plottage and a height limit of a parking building which is an off-street parking lot pursuant to Article 12-2 of the Act shall be as follows: <Amended by Ordinance No. 5177, Sep. 29, 2011>
1. Building-to-land ratio: Not more than 90/100;
2. Ratio of volume: Not more than 1500 percent;
3. The minimum plottage: Not less than 45 square meters;
4. Height limit: Not more than the following multiples:
(a) Where a building site abuts a road, the width of which is less than 12 meters: The height of each part of a building shall be three times the horizontal distance from that part to the boundary line of the opposite side of the road which abuts the building site (where the building site abuts not less than two roads, referring to the widest road; hereinafter the same shall apply in this subparagraph);
(b) Where a building site abuts a road, the width of which is not less than 12 meters: The height of each part of a building shall be the horizontal distance from that part to the boundary line of the opposite side of the road which abuts the building site × (36/the width of the road) times: Provided, That where a multiple is less than 1.8 times, it shall be 1.8 times.
(2) Kinds of facilities which may be installed in the part used for the purpose other than parking lot in a parking building constructed in a commercial area or a semi-residential area from among areas of the first class land pursuant to Article 1-2 (3) of the Decree shall be Class 1 and Class 2 neighborhood convenience facilities, business facilities (excluding officetels), sports facilities: Provided, That this shall not apply to traditional markets designated by a distribution modernization plan. <Amended on Jul. 30, 2009>

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Article 6 (Parking Fees and Additional Charges) (1) Parking fees for on-street parking lots and off-street parking lots (hereinafter referred to as "public parking lots") installed by the Mayor shall be as specified in attached Table 1: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where the Mayor determines parking fees of loading and unloading parking stalls separately in consideration of the circumstances of the relevant area, etc.
(2) Additional charges of on-street parking lots pursuant to Article 9 (3) of the Act shall be charged in cases referred to in the following subparagraphs and shall be four times the relevant parking fee. A parking fee and additional dues shall be charged concurrently: Provided, That in cases falling under subparagraph 1, a grace period not exceeding 15 days may be allowed so that a person may pay a parking fee voluntarily before additional charges are charged:
1. Where a parking coupon or a meter measuring parking time is not used, a parking fee and additional charges shall be charged as if parking time has already exceeded four hours when a car is found parked, and where a car is continuously parked thereafter, a parking fee for such parking hours and additional charges shall be charged additionally;
2. Where a person is charged a reduced parking fee or exempted from a parking fee by a meter measuring parking time though he/she is not eligible for parking fee reduction or exemption;
3. Where parking has exceeded the scheduled parking hours, additional charges shall apply to extra time;
4. Where a person absconds without paying a parking fee;
5. Where a person fails to pay a parking fee within a given period after having received a payment notice of a parking fee from the manager of a parking lot because the operating hours of an on-street parking lot are over;
6. Where a person parks a car, in violation of the main sentence of Article 14 (4);
7. Where a person parks a car in excess of the time limit in a parking lot where parking hours by car are limited, such extra time;
8. Where a person parks a car in a place other than the designated parking stall in a parking lot;
9. Where a person uses a parking lot for the purpose other than parking.

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Article 7 (Reduction of or Exemption from Parking Fee) (1) Notwithstanding the main sentence of Article 6 (1), in the following cases, the Mayor may reduce or exempt a parking fee: <Amended by Ordinance No. 5012, Jul. 15, 2010; Ordinance No. 5177, Sep. 29, 2011; Ordinance No. 5488, May 16, 2013; Ordinance No. 5582, Oct. 4, 2013>
1. 80/100 of a parking fee shall be discounted for a car used by the following disabled person, person of national merit, etc.: Provided, That in cases of a transfer parking lot to subway, a parking fee for the first three hours per once a day shall be exempted and thereafter 80/100 of the parking fee shall be discounted:
(a) Where a disabled person has a ride in a car with a mark of disabled person's car pursuant to Article 32 of the Act on Welfare of Persons with Disabilities and Articles 26 and 27 of the Enforcement Rule of the same Act and produces a disabled person registration card;
(b) Where a wounded person pursuant to Article 4 (1) 4, 6, 12, 13 and 15 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment and Support of Persons, etc. of Distinguished Services to the State and Article 73 of the same Act produces a card identifying a person of national merit;
(c) A person who is confirmed that he/she has been registered with the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs or a regional office of Patriots and Veterans Affairs as a patient suffering from actual or potential aftereffects of defoliants pursuant to Article 2 of the Act on Supporting and Establishing an Organization for the Patients Suffering from Exposure to Defoliants.
2. The Mayor may discount 50/100 of a parking fee for a mini car pursuant to Article 3 of the Automobile Management Act and Article 3 of the Enforcement Rule of the same Act and a low emission vehicle pursuant to Article 2 of the Special Act on the Improvement of Air Quality in Seoul Metropolitan Area and Article 3 of the Enforcement Decree of the same Act: Provided, That 80/100 of the parking fee shall be discounted for a mini car and a low emission vehicle parked for the purpose of transfer at a transfer parking lot to subway, and in case of parking once a day, a parking fee up to the first three hours shall be exempted;
3. A parking fee for the parking stalls installed exclusively for cars of diplomatic missions and diplomats residing in the Republic of Korea may be exempted;
4. Where it is confirmed through the parking management automated system, when a person parks a car on the off-street parking lot in the area where a parking fee should be paid excluding Class 1 area in order to transfer to bus or subway, or where he/she submits a written confirmation on the use of subway issued by the stationmaster of the subway destination or submits an evidentiary material that may prove transfer, such as a bus cash receipt, when paying a parking fee, the relevant parking fee shall be reduced by 50 percent:
5. A person who has won an official commendation as an exemplary taxpayer and whose car is attached with a mark of certificate of faithful tax payment (sticker) issued by the Seoul Metropolitan Government Mayor or the Commissioner of National Tax Service shall be exempt from parking fees for one year from the date of issue;
6. Where a car participating in one day without a car system (a system under which a person does not drive a car on a certain weekday) attaches an electronic tag of one day without a car system and observes its no driving day and a car which produces a receipt of purchase at a traditional market uses a public parking lot installed by the market, the Mayor shall discount 30 percent of the relevant parking fee: Provided, That the parking fee shall not be reduced in any of the following cases:
(a) Where a parking lot located in the first class area is used;
(b) Where a car participating in one day without a car system has violated the system not less than three times in the relevant year;
(c) Where an electronic tag of one day without a car system is not attached or damaged.
7. Where a wounded person of May 18th Democratization Movement pursuant to subparagraph 2 of Article 4 of the Act on the Honorable Treatment of Persons of Distinguished Services to the 5&#8228;18 Democratization Movement drives a non-business purpose vehicle he/she owns personally carrying a certificate of person of distinguished services to May 18th Democratization Movement or has another person drive his/her car because he/she is severely disabled, a parking fee for not exceeding one hour shall be exempted, and when parking exceeds one hour and in cases of a daily parking pass or a monthly pass, a 50-percent discount shall be applied;
8. In cases of a person who possesses a multiple children happiness card, 30/100 of a parking fee shall be discounted if he/she has two children and 50/100 of the parking fee shall be discounted if he/she has not less than three children;
9. Where any person uses a public parking lot announced by the Mayor as deemed located in neighborhood of a traditional market or business district revitalization zone, 50/100 of the parking fee shall be discounted for maximum two hours pursuant to Article 19 (1) of the Special Act on the Development of Traditional Markets and Shopping Districts, if he/she submits a receipt of purchase.
(2) Where an odd sum of less than 100 won occurs because of a discount of a parking fee, such odd sum shall be written off.
(3) Where a person falls under not less than two reasons for reduction of or exemption from a parking fee, only one reason with a higher reduction or exemption rate of them shall apply.

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Article 8 (Installation of Driving Restriction Device on Car which does not Pay Parking Fee) (1) Though the Mayor has notified a user of a public parking lot to pay a parking fee, where the user fails to pay the parking fee not less than three times or to pay the parking fee of not less than 100 thousand won without justifiable grounds, the Mayor may install a device which restricts driving of the relevant car until the user pays the relevant parking fee and additional charges.
(2) Where it is confirmed that a driver of or a person responsible for management of the relevant car on which driving restriction device has been installed pursuant to paragraph (1) pays the relevant parking fee, additional charges, and expenses for removal, the Mayor shall remove driving restriction device from the car.
(3) Expense incurred in removal of driving restriction device (hereinafter referred to as "removal expense") pursuant to paragraph (2) shall be collected according to the standards prescribed by the following subparagraphs:
1. Where it is removed within the operating hours of a parking lot: Removal expense shall not be collected;
2. Where it is removed outside the operating hours of a parking lot: Removal expense of 30 thousand won shall be collected.

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Article 9 (Prohibition of Refusal of Parking) The manager of a parking lot shall not refuse the use of the parking lot without justifiable grounds except in the following cases pursuant to Articles 10-2 (1), 17 (2) and 19-3 (2) of the Act:
1. Where parking is impossible or difficult because of the structure of a car;
2. Where a car carries ignitable or inflammable materials;
3. Where a car is apt to damage the structure and equipment of a parking lot;
4. Where a person conducts business transaction by using a car in a parking lot;
5. Where a person parks a car continuously during the operating hours and obstructs the use of a parking lot;
6. Where a person fails to pay parking fees of a public parking lot or fines for negligence for parking violations pursuant to Article 88 of the Enforcement Decree of the Road Traffic Act not less than three times.

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Article 10 (Management in Trust of Public Parking Lot)) (1) Qualifications for a person who may be entrusted with the management (hereinafter referred to as "trustee in management") of a public parking lot installed by the Mayor pursuant to Articles 8 (2) and 13 (3) of the Act shall be as follows:
1. A legal entity which is specialized in the management of public facilities established by the City;
2. A person who is qualified to participate in competitive bidding pursuant to Article 13 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on Contracts to which a Local Government is a Party;
3. A resident autonomy organization, such as a resident autonomy committee for the implementation of a residential parking permit program;
4. In cases of an on-street parking lot and an off-street parking lot which is located within 100 meters from a traditional market and the number of parking spaces of which is not more than 20, the merchant association of the relevant market or the manager of the market.
(2) Where a trustee in management collects parking fees of a public parking lot and pays the collected amount to the City, it shall pay him/her the amount not less than 30/100 of the collected amount as a fee for the management in trust: Provided, That where a trustee in management is selected through the public competitive bidding, he/she shall pay the awarded amount to the City in advance and manage the public parking lot without a fee for the management in trust.
(3) Fees for the management in trust pursuant to paragraph (2) shall be paid by quarter based on the payment results as of the end of each quarter.

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Article 11 (Guidance on and Supervision of Trustee in Management) The Mayor shall guide and supervise the matters concerning the management of a parking lot to a trustee in management pursuant to Article 10.

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Article 12 (Issue of Parking Cards by Trustee in Management) (1) Where a trustee in management collects parking fees by using a meter measuring parking time pursuant to Article 13 (1) 1, he/she may issue and use parking cards.
(2) Where a trustee in management issues and uses parking cards pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall establish countermeasures so that the parking cards may be used compatibly with cards used for other means of transportation, such as bus and subway, and he/she may establish and operate a juristic person (hereinafter referred to as "juristic person") for the issuance and use of parking cards, if necessary.
(3) Transportation management agencies, such as the Seoul Metropolitan Government Bus Transportation Business Association, Seoul Metro, and technical companies related to parking cards may participate in a juristic person pursuant to paragraph (2).
(4) Where a trustee in management establishes and operates a juristic person for the issuance and use of parking cards pursuant to paragraphs (2) and (3), the Mayor may exercise the right of guidance and supervision pursuant to Article 11 on the matters related to the issue and use of parking cards considering the juristic person as a trustee in management and the trustee in management shall arrange so that the Mayor may exercise the right of guidance and supervision smoothly, such as the trustee in management makes provisions that a juristic person shall become subject to the exercise of the right of guidance and supervision of the Mayor same as the trustee in management and be under an obligation to comply with the guidance and supervision of the Mayor as obligations of the juristic person.

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CHAPTER II ON-STREET PARKING LOT Article 13 (Collection Methods of Parking Fees) (1) Parking fees for on-street parking lots pursuant to Article 9 (2) of the Act shall be collected according to the following methods:
1. By meters measuring parking time;
2. Using parking coupons;
3. Issuing parking tickets.
(2) A parking lot which collects parking fees by issuing parking tickets pursuant to paragraph (1) 3 may collect parking fees in advance in any of the following cases:
1. A car parked within two hours before the closing of operation of a parking lot;
2. A car parked in a parking lot where available time once is restricted.
(3) Where a car the parking fee on which was collected in advance pursuant to paragraph (2) goes out of the parking lot within the operating hours, the parking fee shall be collected by applying parking fees referred to in attached Table 1 and the balance of the parking fee collected in advance shall be returned.
(4) The Mayor may operate parking lots with time limitations such as one-hour time limit, two-hour time limit, and so on in consideration of characteristics of use of each parking lot.
(5) A trustee in management may operate a parking lot with restrictions on available time of a parking lot by applying paragraph (4) mutatis mutandis. In such cases, he/she shall obtain approval of the Mayor in advance.

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Article 14 (Parking Stalls for Loading and Unloading) (1) Parking stalls for loading and unloading pursuant to Article 7 (4) of the Act shall be designated in an on-street parking lot installed.
(2) Types of vehicles restricted from parking stalls for loading and unloading, restricted area, reasons for restrictions, measures against violating vehicles, etc. shall be specified on the guide sign on the use of the on-street parking lot referred to in Article 15 (2).
(3) An auxiliary sign easy to recognize shall be installed in parking stalls for loading and unloading.
(4) Parking in parking stalls for loading and unloading shall not exceed one hour: Provided, That this shall not apply to trucks.

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Article 14-2 (Parking Stalls for Tourist Buses Only) (1) The Mayor may install parking stalls for tourist buses only at parts of on-street parking lots pursuant to Article 6-2 (1) 4 of Enforcement Rule of the Act. In such cases, parking stalls thereof shall be managed for parking buses the respective seating capacity of which prescribed in attached Table 1 of the Enforcement Rule of the Motor Vehicle Management Act is not less than 16 persons.
(2) In parking stalls for tourist buses only referred to in paragraph (1), guide signs on the use of the on-street parking lot shall be installed pursuant to Article 15 (2) and auxiliary signs easy to recognize may be installed.
[This Article Newly Inserted by Ordinance No. 5582, Oct. 4, 2013]

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Article 15 (Sign of Parking Lot) (1) A parking lot sign of an on-street parking lot shall be in accordance with the parking lot sign among the safety signs pursuant to Article 8 of the Enforcement Rule of the Road Traffic Act.
(2) A guide sign on the use of an on-street parking lot pursuant to Article 11 (2) of the Act shall be installed at a place where users can easily read the information mentioning the matters referred to in the following subparagraphs, and a person who installs a parking lot or a person who is responsible for the management thereof shall determine the size, etc. of the guide sign in consideration of convenience of recognition of users, the location, size and form of a parking lot and the arrangement conditions of surrounding facilities:
1. Matters concerning parking fees and the collection thereof;
2. Matters concerning the collection of additional dues;
3. Available time of a parking lot;
4. Matters concerning methods of parking and restrictions on hours;
5. Other matters that require attention.

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CHAPTER III OFF-STREET PARKING LOTS Article 16 (Standards for Installation of Incidental Facilities to Off-Street Parking Lots) (1) Kinds of incidental facilities which may be installed on an off-street parking lot (excluding an off-street parking lot installed after having covered a retarding basin or a river) pursuant to Article 6 (5) of the Enforcement Rule of the Act shall be Class 1 and Class 2 neighborhood convenience facilities, cultural and assembly facilities, religious facilities, sales facilities, transporting facilities, sports facilities, business facilities and automobile management facilities.
(2) In cases of an off-street parking lot installed in a commercial area or a semi-residential area from among the first class area pursuant to Article 12 (6) of the Act, kinds of incidental facilities which may be installed on the off-street parking lot shall be Class 1 and Class 2 neighborhood convenience facilities, business facilities (excluding officetels) and sports facilities. <Amended on Jul. 30, 2009>
(3) The total area of incidental facilities shall not exceed 30 percent of the total facility area of an off-street parking lot pursuant to Article 20 (2) and (3) of the Act and Article 6 (5) of the Enforcement Rule of the Act: Provided, That where an off-street parking lot is located within an area where installation of the off-street parking lot is restricted pursuant to Article 12 (6) of the Act, the percentage shall be within 10 percent.

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Article 17 (Announcement of Installation of Parking Lot) (1) Where the Mayor installs an off-street parking lot and intends to start using it, he/she shall announce the fact that he/she has started using it, its name, location, size, available time and other necessary matters. <Amended on Jul. 30, 2009>
(2) Kinds of complex development projects which require installation of off-street parking lots pursuant to Article 12-3 of the Act shall be as follows: <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
1. Housing site developing projects; <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
2. Urban developing projects; <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
3. Industrial complex developing projects; <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
4. Urban railroad construction projects (including projects constructing a railroad in an urban traffic zone referred to in subparagraph of Article 3 of the Urban Railroad Act for the purpose of the smooth flowing of urban traffic corresponding to an urban railroad pursuant to subparagraph 1 of Article 3 of the Urban Railroad Act from among railroad construction projects referred to in subparagraph 7 of Article 2 of the Railroad Construction Act; hereinafter the same shall apply). <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
(3) Where it is required to establish measures for improvement in traffic impact analysis pursuant to Article 15 of the Urban Traffic Improvement Promotion Act regarding complex developing projects, the size of an off-street parking lot pursuant to Article 12-3 (2) of the Act shall be the area left after subtracting the area of an attached parking lot from the total area of a parking lot mentioned in the improvement required matters which a business operator has been notified pursuant to Article 16 (4) of the same Act (including cases applied mutatis mutandis in Article 21 (2) of the same Act) and shall not be less than the area prescribed by the following subparagraphs: <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
1. In cases of an urban railroad construction project (limited to cases where the extension of a railroad is not less than 20 kilometers): An area which can receive the number of vehicles calculated according to the following formula:
Average number of boarding people per day at one station after five years after the construction of a railroad / 210 × railroad extension (km) / 8. <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
2. In cases of a complex developing project, etc. other than an urban railroad construction project: 0.6 percent of an area of a project site. <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>
(4) Where it is not required to establish measures for improvement in traffic impact analysis pursuant to Article 15 of the Urban Traffic Improvement Promotion Act regarding complex development projects, the size of an off-street parking lot shall be an area not less than 0.6 percent of the area of the relevant project site. <Newly Inserted on Jul. 30, 2009>

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Article 18 (Collection Method of Parking Fees) (1) Article 13 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the collection of parking fees of public off-street parking lots: Provided, That where users use a parking lot with daily parking passes or monthly passes issued, parking fees shall be collected when such passes are issued.
(2) In the case of the proviso to paragraph (1), where users cannot park a car due to reasons, such as the suspended or discontinued use of a public off-street parking lot, for which users of the relevant parking lot are not responsible, the parking fees already collected shall be returned according to the following standards:
1. A daily parking pass: An amount on hours a user cannot use after calculating the unit price of one daily parking pass;
2. A monthly pass: An amount of a parking fee for the remaining period calculated by the day.
(3) The price of a parking pass for owner-driver taxis, vehicles for transporting business of goods to be delivered and individual goods shall be an amount calculated by multiplying the aggregate amount of daytime parking fees and nighttime parking fees on a monthly pass of Class 5 area in Annex 1 by the number of available months, and in cases of use of a parking lot both day and night, the price of a monthly pass shall be 30 thousand won. <Amended on Jul. 30, 2009>

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Article 19 (Sign of Parking Lot) (1) Article 15 (2) shall apply mutatis mutandis to an information sign concerning the use of a public off-street parking lot under Article 18 (2) of the Act, and the Seoul Metropolitan Government or a trustee in management shall be stated at the top of the sign.

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CHAPTER IV ATTACHED PARKING LOTS Article 20 (Standards for Installation of Attached Parking Lots) (1) Kinds and standards for installation of facilities which require an attached parking lot shall be as specified in Annex 2.
(2) In the calculation of the number of cars parked in an attached parking lot under paragraph (1), in case of installing a mechanical parking lot of bi-level or more, the calculation standards of the number of cars parked shall be prescribed by the relevant Enforcement Rule.

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Article 21 (Areas where Installation of Attached Parking Lot is Restricted and Standards, etc. for Restrictions on Installation thereof) (1) Areas where the installation of an attached parking lot may be restricted pursuant to Article 7-2 of the Enforcement Rule of the Act shall be any of the following areas (hereinafter referred to as "area where the installation of a parking lot is restricted"): <Amended by Ordinance No. 5087, Mar. 17, 2011>
1. A commercial area and a quasi-residential area among Class 1 areas set in the parking rates of public parking lots in Annex 1;
2. A special traffic-congestion control area under Article 42 of the Urban Traffic Improvement Promotion Act, which is located within a 500-meter straight-line distance from the nearest entrance to an electric railway station, subway station and transfer center or complex transfer center.
(2) Kinds and standards for installation of facilities restricting the installation of an attached parking lot in an area where the installation of a parking lot is restricted shall be specified in Annex 3.
(3) Where facilities which require the installation of an attached parking lot and a site extends over areas where installation of a parking lot is restricted and other areas, the installation restriction standards referred to in Annex 3 shall apply to an attached parking lot which takes a majority of the plottage of the area where installation is restricted.
(4) Standards for installation of an attached parking lot of a multipurpose building in the area where installation of a parking lot is restricted shall be the total number of cars calculated according to the standards for installation of respective attached parking lots by dividing into houses (including officetels; hereinafter the same shall apply) and non-houses, and in case of a house, the standards for installation of an attached parking lot shall be in accordance with attached Table 2.

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Article 22 (Orders, etc. to Restrict Use of Attached Parking Lots) (1) The Mayor shall allow a facility management business operator to set up a voluntary goal for reduction of traffic volume first and to submit a traffic volume reduction plan and to manage such a plan before he/she issues an order to restrict the use of an attached parking lot pursuant to Article 48 of the Urban Traffic Improvement Promotion Act. Where the facility management business operator fails to consent to the formulation and operation of a voluntary reduction plan or the result of implementation is determined not to contribute to the relief of traffic congestion of the surrounding roads, the Mayor may issue an order to restrict the use of an attached parking lot by stage referred to in the following subparagraphs not exceeding 60 days a year including Saturdays and days referred to in the subparagraphs of Article 2 of the Regulations on Holidays of government offices: Provided, That emergency cars under Article 2 of the Road Traffic Act and cars of disabled persons possible to recognize because a mark of a disabled person is attached shall be excluded: <Amended on Jan. 7, 2010>
1. Stage 1: The 10th-day-no-driving system (where the last number of a vehicle registration number is "1", driving thereof is restricted on 1st, 11th and 21st days of each month);
2. Stage 2: The 5th-day-no-driving system (where the last number of a vehicle registration number is "1", driving thereof is restricted on 1st, 6th, 11th, 16th, 21st, 26th days of each month);
3. Stage 3: The 2nd-day-no-driving system (where the last number of a vehicle registration number is an even number, driving thereof is restricted on days of odd number: Provided, That 31st days shall not be included).
(2) A voluntary traffic volume reduction plan of the manager of facilities pursuant to paragraph (1) shall include a traffic volume reduction program, fee-charging of attached parking lots for the reduction of use of parking lots, increase of parking fees, discontinuance to use leased parking lots, reduction of attached parking lots, etc. prescribed in attached Table 1 of Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Reduction of Traffic Induction Charges, and a traffic volume reduction program which a facility management business operator develops directly and about which he/she consults with the Mayor.
(3) A goal for reduction of a traffic volume pursuant to paragraph (1) shall not be less than 10 percent based on the standard traffic volume caused by the relevant facilities (a traffic volume caused by facilities under the circumstances that the use of vehicles are not restricted), and the Mayor shall determine and announce it separately.
(4) The Mayor shall determine and announce the standard traffic volume caused by the relevant facilities in paragraph (3) separately in consideration of uses and a size of facilities, the number of parking spaces, utilization ratio, turnover ratio, conditions of the utilization of public transportation, etc.

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Article 23 (Provision for General Utilization of Attached Parking Lots of Public Agencies) (1) Where attached parking lots of government office buildings of the City, autonomous Gus and their affiliated agencies fall under any of the following subparagraphs, they may be provided for use by the general public:
1. Where they are intended to be utilized as night parking spaces for residents in the neighborhood;
2. Where the Mayor deems them necessary for traffic demand management.
(2) The manager of facilities referred to in paragraph (1) may collect parking fees from users of a parking lot pursuant to paragraph (1).
(3) Parking fees pursuant to paragraph (2) shall be determined within the extent of parking fees of a public off-street parking lot. In such cases, levels of areas may be applied differentially in consideration of parking demand.

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Article 24 (Subsidies to Installation of Attached Parking Lots) (1) Where the owner or the manager of an attached parking lot intends to install an additional parking lot or to install or manage facilities necessary for the utilization of the parking lot to provide it for utilization by the general public other than users of the relevant facilities, the Mayor may subsidize part of the necessary expense therefor to the owner or the manager of the parking lot.
(2) Where the Mayor subsidizes pursuant to paragraph (1), he/she shall determine the matters necessary for subsidizing, such as the calculation standards and procedures for support of subsidies, and the matters necessary for application for payment of subsidies.

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Article 25 (Standards for Installation of Parking Stalls for Disabled Persons only) (1) Not less than three percent of the number of cars parked according to the standards for installation of an attached parking lot shall be classified and installed as parking stalls for disabled persons only of facilities which require to install parking stalls for disabled persons only pursuant to Article 4 of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Promotion and Guarantee of Access for the Disabled, the Aged, and Pregnant Women to Facilities and Information: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where the number of cars parked according to the standards for installation of an attached parking lot is less than 10.
(2) Parking stalls for disabled persons only shall be installed at a place meeting any of the standards of the following subparagraphs:
1. The nearest place from the main entrance of facilities;
2. The nearest place from the elevator or stairs in case of an indoor parking lot;
3. The nearest place from a ramp for disabled persons.
(3) The ground of parking stalls for disabled persons only shall be installed to meet the standards referred to in the following subparagraphs:
1. The grounds of a parking lot shall be finished with non-slippery materials and leveled;
2. The grounds of a parking lot shall be marked for disabled persons only according to attached Drawing 1.
(4) A sign shall be installed on parking stalls for disabled persons only to meet the standards referred to in the following subparagraphs:
1. A sign of parking stalls for disabled persons only pursuant to attached Drawing 2 shall be attached to or installed at a place where it is easily readable;
2. Leading signs shall be installed from the entrance of a parking lot to places which lead to parking stalls for disabled persons only: Provided, That this shall not apply to cases where it is easy to find parking stalls for disabled persons only.

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Article 25-2 (Standards, etc. for Installation of Parking Stalls of Parking Lot for Ladies' Preferential Use) (1) On each of on-street parking lot, off-street parking lot and attached parking lot, the respective parking capacity of which is not less than 30 vehicles, parking stalls for ladies' preferential use (hereinafter referred to as "parking stalls for ladies' preferential use") shall be installed to receive not less than 10% of total number of vehicles pursuant to Article 6 (2) of the Act. <Amended by Ordinance No. 5383, Nov. 1, 2012>
(2) In cases of a parking lot where extended-type parking stalls are installed, no less than 50 percent of parking stalls for ladies' preferential use installed pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be the extended-type parking stalls. <Newly Inserted by Ordinance No. 5383, Nov. 1, 2012>
(3) Parking stalls of a parking lot for ladies shall be installed at a place meeting any of the standards referred to in the following subparagraphs in consideration of characteristics of the relevant parking lot:
1. A well-lit place with no blind spots;
2. A place where accessibility, mobility, and safety are ensured because it is close to the entrance of a parking lot or a parking supervisor (parking booth);
3. A place where it is easy to watch by CCTV and there is a lot of traffic;
4. A place near from the entrance of vehicles, a parking supervisor or the elevator next to parking stalls for disabled persons.
(4) The sign of parking stalls of a parking lot for ladies shall be made in pink line, and parking stalls shall be divided into general-type and extended-type and the female sign pursuant to attached Drawing 3 shall be made.
[This Article Newly Inserted on May 28, 2009]

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CHAPTER V SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS Article 26 (Objects of Financing) (1) A person who may obtain a loan from special accounts of a parking lot (referring to management account of a parking lot in Seoul Metropolitan Government Ordinance on Establishment of Special Accounts) pursuant to Article 21-2 (6) of the Act shall be as follows:
1. A person who has secured his/her own land and given notice of installation of an off-street parking lot pursuant to Article 12 (1) of the Act and intends to install a parking facility in two dimensions or in three dimensions (building-type and mechanical-type), the capacity of which is not less than five vehicles; <Amended by Ordinance No. 5383, Nov. 1, 2012>
2. A person who obtains approval of an action plan of urban planning project pursuant to Article 20 (2) of the Act;
3. A person who intends to install an attached parking lot additionally to provide it for the use of general public.
(2) Parking facilities in three dimensions referred in paragraph (1) 1 shall be double the scale or more of the capacity of parking facilities in two dimensions.
(3) A person who intends to obtain a loan shall have security for a loan with his/her own property.
(4) A person who obtains a loan pursuant to paragraph (1) shall operate a parking lot longer than the period for repayment of a loan. <Newly Inserted on Nov. 11, 2009>
(5) A person who obtains a loan pursuant to paragraph (1) shall comply with a request of the Mayor where he/she requests him/her to submit materials on the installation and operation of a parking lot. <Newly Inserted on Nov. 11, 2009>

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Article 27 (Method of Financing) (1) A person who intends to apply for a loan shall file an application with the Mayor along with documents prescribed by Rule.
(2) Necessary matters concerning the financing, such as procedures for payment of a loan and credit ceiling, a period for repayment, interest rate, etc., shall be as separately determined by the Mayor.
(3) The Mayor may entrust part of the affairs concerning the management and operation of loans to the City Treasury or other financial institutions.

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Article 28 (Repayment of Loans) A person who obtains a loan shall repay the loan immediately where he/she falls under any of the following subparagraphs:
1. Where he/she uses a loan for any other purpose;
2. Where the purpose of use of an off-street parking lot has been changed and has become extinct during the repayment period: Provided, That the change of the purpose of use and the extinction thereof by compelling reasons, such as an urban planning readjustment project, etc,, shall be excepted. <Proviso Newly Inserted on Nov. 11, 2009>
3. Where he/she fails to break ground for installation work of an off-street parking lot within six months without justifiable grounds after the receipt of a loan.

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Article 29 (Delegation of Authority) The Mayor shall delegate his/her authority on the installation and operation of parking stalls in on-street parking lots pursuant to Article 6-2 of the Enforcement Rule of the Act to the heads of Gus.

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Article 30 (Imposition and Collection of Fines for Negligence) (1) The owner of facilities or a facility management business operator who disobeys an order pursuant to Article 22 (1) shall be imposed a fine for negligence not exceeding ten million won pursuant to Article 60 (1) 3 of the Urban Traffic Improvement Promotion Act.
(2) The provisions of the Act on the Regulation of Violations of Public Order shall apply to procedures for imposition and collection of fines for negligence pursuant to paragraph (1).

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